What have I learned most working at the worlds largest real estate agency?

What have I learned most working at the worlds largest real estate agency?

It all began 6 years ago in Austin, Texas USA, August 13th 2015 when I began my Keller Williams real estate journey.

Day 1 and I was on a plane headed from Dubai to Austin via JFK to Mega Camp to find out more about this awesome " American real estate power house" of an organisation; the largest in the world I quickly learned with the worlds best training...and boy was I in for a treat!I had never even heard of Keller Williams before I was called in for interview... can you imagine. ..

So what have I learned most in my 6 years first as Team Leader/ CEO for KW Dubai... and then more recently back in production working for myself as Global Real Estate Agent:

*LEAD GENERATION is everything in our industry- if you're not connecting with new people everyday then you wont have a business pipeline 90 days from now. Simple.

*The key to success is the PEOPLE and TALENT. ..I had never before joining recognised your future will be about the people you surround yourself with the most.. When you're working WITH your strengths we grow much faster as a business and everyone wins.

Keller Williams Global really does have an incredible network of talented realtors that I've grown to know and love over the years..YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE

*Daily Habits will propel you forwards faster than just about any other success tip I know. I've learnt to wake up early, meditate, visualise and plan my day well before anyone else is awake, calling me for their needs - this is how I fit in everything that the day throws my way later on because I've already put myself first and I'm prepped, driven, mindset strong, hungry and ready for anything.

*I now firmly write down my goals weekly in what we call a "411" at Keller Williams. ..its a breakdown of our annual, monthly and weekly goals and just sets me up for the week ahead like nothing else ever had before it..LOVE my 411 prep on a Saturday night ( Gulf weekends are Friday & Saturday )

*Integrity is everything at KW....when a company SOLELY hires on this and not just on the money and numbers, it creates an incredible space to be able to conduct business comfortably with full transparency and professionalism.

*I learnt how to be a Business Owner. Up to this point I'd only ever been an employee but thanks to Gary Keller's famous book THE MILLIONAIRE REAL ESTATE AGENT ( MREA), real estate has pushed me to think, act and operate as an Owner and towards my Big Hairy Goals for my future...no longer just as a paid employee....forever grateful!

*Be Purposeful in all I do. In my previous real estate jobs I was always coasting through my day with little or no intention. KW showed me to get Purposeful and Intentional about all I do, nothing is left to chance.

*Learn to Earn- perhaps most importantly of all if we are not growing we are dying hence why the training here eventually made me realise I had been " doing real estate all wrong" and inspired me to come back in and do it the MREA way for my own business a couple of years ago.

*The brokerages out on the market have no-one's best interests at heart except their own profit pockets.... all those 10 years up to the point of KW, I'd simply been a puppet or better yet a telesales call girl calling and transacting to fill up their profits instead of my own..how naive I was ...thankfully KW has allowed me and so many others to live a Life by Design towards OUR own lives and dreams first.

I have so many more lessons but these above are the ones that really count and bring me to where I am today, happy and truly grateful.

Thank you Keller Williams...cant believe how fast 6 years has flown by.

You are epitome of what Keller Williams is all about. Congratulations on your 6 year anniversary. I’ve got 7 1/2 in an still learning everyday.


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