What have I learned from my Stress related STROKE
During my life I have always seen stress as a disadvantage, but somehow I always managed to deal with it.
A few years back I have suffered a small stroke, luckily I had friends around that were working in Health Sector and with a quick intervention I have managed to recover within a year.
This made me look more at how I see things, and I started to research more onto how I can use stress to my advantage, as we ...all know stress rises our blood flow, supplying the brain with more oxygen and minerals which is good, the bad thing about stress is to let it go above your shoulders and transform into panic due to time or task, I will always remember what my dear friend from Tibet advised me, stress is just bellow your head, above it is just you, this is important because high stress levels will block your frontal lobe, and if you allow it will take you back to stone age, where as soon as danger occurs you will take the path of least resistance and make a run for it even knowing that you will get caught (not the best solution, most of the time), surely you will notice some pretty bad ideas within the team if you start observing them in situations of crisis.
The most important thing is to be aware of how your body and mind reacts, always remember that stress is there to supply your body with enough oxygen and minerals when things come out of hand, and you are the one sitting above your shoulders, just take a step back, realize your body behaviour, analyse all your options and act accordingly.
I hope this will help people see stress for what it is, a way that our body adjusts our intake according to the given situation, imagine sleep walking through a building in fire, is not going to happen, so better learn to use it at your own advantage.