What have I learned?
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What have I learned?

I know it is hard to sit down and reflect on what we have learned. Trust me; this article was no easy task. I had to sit down write out on paper what I have been doing the past six months. This article took a few revisions and a couple of weeks to put together. I know what you are thinking, "6 Months? What could this jerk off know that I don't already know." Well, plenty. Do you want to know why? Simple because I took the time to reflect on how shitty my life was and decided to take action.

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Origin Stories

I have been on this earth for 26 years. Almost 27 years, and in those 26 years, I have wasted 25 of them. I was lost, trying to figure out where to go, who to be like, what mistakes to avoid. And in reality, the answer was in front of me all along. No, no, this isn't one of those love stories where the girl or guy realizes that the love of their life was there the entire time. I had to take many hours, many f*ck ups, tons, and tons of time wasted to figure out my path. I can guarantee you that I always doubted myself. I never had the right amount of confidence to finish anything.

I was known as a dabbler. I dabbled in tons of things that interest me. I have so many interests. To this day, it still kills me that I have so many interests. It kills my brain because there is so much bouncing around up there. I can not execute all of it by myself! I must get more people to help. If not, then I have to start working on one task at a time, which brings me to my next point.

I was able to harness the power of focus to start a Youtube channel. Now when I mean focus, I'm not talking about multitasking. People think that multitasking is a form of focus, no. Focus means to pick a specific goal, topic, or hobby and build it. It doesn't have to be 9-5 each day. It could range from 1 hour a day to 10+ hours a day. But you must put time aside and block everything else out. I know this is hard, with phones, tv, and Netflix. We all must take a step out of our reality and harness our power of focus to complete a task. You will be surprised how much you can get done in one hour if you block and go.

I am just getting started. I do not like to brag, but I am going to keep going until I have helped as many people as possible. I want as many people as possible, hitting their goals and achieving their dreams. The ideas for success and dreams will range, which is why you must figure out your why. When you know why you started, then it makes it easier to continue on your tough journey. The little wins matter more than the big, and you don't feel empty when you reach the end.

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I hate to say that school didn't teach me much of anything. Before you stop reading or hate me anyway, I want to say that school is right at teaching basics. Anything beyond basic knowledge will be all you. Learning real-world applications requires real-world experience. Our school system has been the same for centuries and probably will be the same for all eternity. We all have to break away from the robot mentality and begin to learn things for yourself. I can tell you most of us that went to college, and what we learned is vastly different from what we are working on.

With the school talk out of the way, how do we learn more? Only by doing is how we learn. So for starters, I read a ton of books. Books that I thought I couldn't even read about seven months ago. A 200-page book for me now is easy peasy. A 400-page book is a little bit harder but still doable in a week. I can tell you that I thought a 100-page book was off the charts. It would take at least a month to read. Now I can read 100-pages in about an hour or two. I know some of you say, "Well, you must read at an above-average level." Well, no, I did read at about an average level, but with all of my practice, I managed to read about 350 words a minute. Above-average but not by much. I would like to get it to about 500 words per minute. I am confident in saying when I get laser-focused, I think I can read about 450 words a minute. I mean like a quiet room with no distractions.

Once you have chosen your books to read then, you should probably get yourself in gear. I also want to say don't drown yourself in learning. I don't want you to think you must bath in the planning phase for the rest of your life. We all must take the appropriate steps to define success, but one of those proper steps is not getting dragged down by constant thinking about action.

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I know, smooth transition, right? My publisher didn't think so. Action, you have made it this far, so you might be ready to make some real change. Sweet, what to do next? Well, act on something, anything. What do you love doing? What did all that knowledge do for you? This might be a good time to mention defining your why is essential. You might also have to realize that a why keeps you on your journey with laser focus. It is what drives you forward. I recommend Start With Why if you haven't read it already. (I am also not suggesting you read self-help books to start taking action. You can read whatever books you want. Just make sure they are educating you and not only entertainment).

What should be your first plan of action? Your first plan of action should be to act upon what your passion is. If you love talking about BBQ sauces, start a Youtube channel about the best BBQ sauces to put on your ribs. If you like Pokemon cards, then start trading them with friends. If you do what you love doing and you try to gain as much skill in that area as possible, monetization will come with it. No one and I mean no one ever succeeded long term and hated what they do. Plenty of billionaires went into something for the money and found themselves at the end of the road with all the money in the world and hating life real quick.

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Don't Have A Passion?

I call bullsh*t. Simple, bullsh*t. You have passion. You are too afraid to admit it. There is something deep inside you. You may have to dig deep. I mean so deep that you remember things from your childhood. Something will keep that little spark going. I know it there. Before you take action, we all must reflect on ourselves, and in that process, you will find your passion. If you do not, then you did it wrong. Keep asking questions, keep reflecting. Remember that self-talk is critical. That voice that says, "I can do this." MUST be louder than the voice that says, "I'm no good."

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The Journey

I hate to break it to everyone, but the journey is over when we die. Until death, our journey keeps going. We wake up every day, and we exist, or we make a change. Which one are you willing to do? Existing is easy; changing the world is hard. The way I look at is either we are all unique, or none of us are. Meaning we are all unique, just like our parents told us when we were a kid, and some of us choose to act, and others don't. The flip side of that coin is that we aren't unique, but few decide to go against that faith. Either way, we should be going against the grain in the correct direction.

You do not have to get up now, go to the gym, and try to end world hunger. You have to define what success means to you. Then you can begin your journey. Once that success is established, you have to say on the path. You may get halfway through the path and realize you defined the wrong success. It has happened to me ten times now. That is where failures come in. We all must fail to learn a lesson if we don't fail, then we never learn a real lesson. Lessons that stick with us forever.

With that being said, I haven't ended my journey yet. Unless you are reading this, and I am dead. In that case, then my job has been completed. My journey has ended, and hopefully, you are already on yours or starting!


Before my journey began, I was able to read one book a year. After I started my journey, I set myself up to read 2-3 books a week! I'm not bragging I am telling you that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. After digging into hours upon hours of David Goggins and Tom Bilyeu, I was able to set a goal of reading a book a week. I exceeded that. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. With a little focus and good habits, I was reading better, feeling better, and, most importantly, my life got better.

I will leave you with this. I have made a ton of mistakes in my life. People are going to criticize you, and you may have to eat sh*t for a while. You can do this. Define your success and take the necessary action. No one can stop you beside you!

Helpful Resources:

Can't Hurt Me!

Start With Why

The Infinite Game

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