What have EYE done!
Saqib K. Azmat (X-waiter)
Award winning (jr. high school) storyteller (to my kids) thought leader (I think alot) sustainability activist (I recycle) scientifically minded (did a science project in high school, 3rd place), third culture citizen
Mitsuhiro Iwamoto, 52 years old blind man has sailed across the Pacific; This was his 2nd try. His maiden voyage left him shipwrecked after encountering a blue whale. Why is this so bloody important? Are you kidding me!!! Sailing across and ocean, 14,000+ kms, with no eyes; Just look around; Most of us can't cross a 14 feet street with both eyes. Just imagine the fears he had to overcome. He's not a billionaire, who can afford the best of the best. An ordinary man, with the vision to see across an ocean. Many leaders (or so called) have trouble seeing across the conference table. This dude needs to get out and share his sightless VISION with industry leaders so there can be more of him. Kudos Mr. Iwamoto & Doug.