What have elephants got to do with Lean Thinking?
Man Jai, Melbourne Zoo

What have elephants got to do with Lean Thinking?

Recently I had the privilege of facilitating the introduction of a number of senior staff from Magistrate’s Court Victoria, including the CEO Andrew Tenni, to a team from Zoos Victoria including CEO Dr Jenny Gray and a number of her team. 

Jenny and her team gave generously of their time to explain how the Lean methodology has helped to ensure the best possible care to animals in the Zoos Victoria collection as well as the best possible experience for staff, visitors and stakeholders.

Part of the presentation focused on how Lean helped ZV work more effectively with Elephants – highly intelligent creatures who need variety and enrichment in their daily life. The photo above is of Man Jai – one of the stars of our visit.

Many thanks to Jenny and colleagues who showed once more their commitment to providing support to other organisations embarked on the excellence journey.


