What Hasn't Changed?
It's almost May, Memorial Day is around the corner, Baseball is in full swing and where are we today? Yes, we know about all the protocols, social distancing, shut downs, social unrest, vaccines and the horrible fall out from all this pandemic has beset upon all of us in our world from coast to coast.
For the sake of this article, let's change our perspective and take a look at what hasn't changed....let's consider the work we do and how well we do it even now, let's consider our good name we diligently built prior to Covid and it was not forgotten, and know the customers we had prior will come back. Moreover, let's consider all the hard working people who were and are in the "trenches" still despite the indications we will see pre-Covid business and staffing levels come back by this Fall.
Finally, the most important thing that has not changed is the human spirit and the innate desire to want to meet, engage, be entertained and connect with each other in person. We miss getting together over dinner, at a conference, a ball game, a show or just walking down the street to window shop. Did that change? NOPE!
Sometimes we have to change for the greater good and that has truly been a challenge over the past year and a half. On the flip side, let's not lose sight that when changes happen it is meant to be for the better and not the worst. With all the fall out from this pandemic, I'm not sure that generalization is still true...sadly.
Let's celebrate those things that endure and never change....the best is yet to come.
Joseph A. Rogan, Vice President, Sales & Marketing for Rita's Hospitality Group writes frequently on topics regarding the hospitality industry and emerging trends of the day.
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