What has spring sprung at Qinshift?
Welcome to Qinsights, your source for the latest updates and insights from our tech world. In this newsletter, we bring you a curated summary of the past weeks, highlighting key events, articles, and news. Dive in to discover how Qinshift is shaping the future of technology!
Mergers For Growth: A CEO's Roadmap To Success
Let's start with the highlight of this Spring, which is the Forbes article written by our CEO, Ludovic Gaudé , Forbes Councils Member, where he shares his insights, leadership philosophy, and the transformative journey of Qinshift in the ever-evolving landscape of technology and business.
"In today's dynamic business landscape, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and integrations stand as a gateway to growth, innovation and increased competitiveness.?By staying clear on strategy, being transparent and focusing on clients' benefits, companies can maintain their success and strong market position." - Ludovic Gaudé, CEO at Qinshift
Read the full post written by Ludovic Gaudé, Forbes Councils Member: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2024/04/24/mergers-for-growth-a-ceos-roadmap-to-success/?sh=7c11376622a3
From the local news, Ludovic Gaudé recently sat down for an interview with Bloomberg Adria to discuss the exciting opportunity of expanding Qinshift's capacities in the Macedonian market and the broader Adriatic region. Ludovic shared his vision for the company's growth and strategic plans for the future.If you're curious about the exciting developments happening at Qinshift and the future of our presence in the Adriatic region, be sure to check out the full interview:
Another important highlight is the local interview for Forbes.cz where the SVP for Finance and Banking, Petr Stros , talks about the future direction of Qinshift.
Check out our post where you can read the full interview: https://www.dhirubhai.net/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7193507304296615938
Trends in Automated Scheduling
In the relentless rhythm of modern business, time is the most precious currency. Yet too often we find ourselves entangled in the web of manual scheduling, losing precious hours to the time-consuming task of coordinating calendars with available resources.
Automation is a clear trend, and many of our clients transform their manual scheduling workflows into automated efficient processes. At the same time, they can be more flexible towards each employee’s needs and ensure more efficient schedules that improve their workflow.
The next logical step is also to make the schedule available for the customers to do a self-service calendar booking.
Read the full article here: https://qinshift.com/insights/techtopics/2024/trends-in-automated-scheduling/
We were thrilled to receive greetings and photos from our colleagues who attended the Vitalis conference, and our booth was open for discussion about simplifying the healthcare scheduling in collaboration and IT Trans conference, dedicated to a wide range of mobility and public transport topics.
Replacing third-party AdTech amp; MarTech platforms with custom-built solutions
In the fast-paced world of advertising, businesses often turn to ready-made AdTech platforms.But as they grow, high fees can erode profits, prompting a need for alternatives such as custom solutions.In a recent video interview, our own experts Michael Sweeney, Radoslaw Kostecki, and Grzegorz ?ukaszewicz discuss this shift.Interested in learning about the benefits and challenges of crafting your own AdTech platform and steering your advertising strategy for enhanced control and efficiency?
Watch the full video now and connect with us to explore tailored possibilities: https://youtu.be/E0JvPUBKwkc?si=V2r4JHFiqCY_zIcN