What has Pap got to do with Success?
Kenneth Mwale
Inspiring people and organizations to live out their PURPOSE is what drives me.
In South Africa and most of other African nations, Pap is the staple. Although it is mostly eaten by the black population in South Africa, part of the white population eats it except we can’t say it’s their staple. Pap is common in Africa although it is called by a different name in every country. In Zambia among the Ngonis it is called Nsima. And the Bembas call it Ubwali. Some tribes in Ghana and Nigeria call it Fufu. There are very few countries in Africa were some form of Pap is not eaten.
Pap has made a lot of people successful. Ask anyone who is enjoying success today, they will tell you that Pap had a lot to do with their success.
If Pap is responsible for the success of many, why is Africa poor where most people eat it? Very good question!
PAP is an Acronym for People, Activities, Places. So take a breath and stopping wondering. Let us look at each word in the acronym.
Successful people will tell you that they choose carefully whom they associate with. They choose who to spend their precious time with. They don’t choose who to spend their time because they are successful. No. They are successful because they choose who to spend time with.
If you want to be a success, chose your company carefully. Not everyone deserves your time. If someone leaves you drained every time you are with them, it is time to cut ties. If someone does not make you aspire to be a better version of yourself, kill the friendship. If someone likes to speak down on you, they are not good for. Choose to spend time with people that leave you energised, and inspired. The best people to keep company is those that make you want to be a better version of yourself.
Success is not a game of chance. Don’t be fooled into thinking that people that have made huge successes in life were just lucky. If you are one of those that have embraced that myth, it is time to discard it. Successful people do certain ACTIVITIES that unsuccessful people usually don’t. If you want to be a success you cannot wish your way to success. Watch the activities you spend your time on. As an example, you cannot be a financial success if you don’t do activities that financially successful people. Just like physical health won’t just happen. You have to watch what you eat and exercise. Financial success is the same. There are activities that will lead to financial success, and if you are not doing those activities, you can kiss your financial independence goodbye.
You don’t just need to avoid negative people and do certain activities. Avoid PLACES that don’t add value to your life. If you spend more time in places that either leave you broke, or uninspired, it is a matter of time your life will be in ruins.
Depending on where you go, places we visit have either a positive or negative effect on us. Take time to visit places where successful people like to hang out. Just being there will make you feel different about yourself. That feeling of well being and positive energy will propel you to aspire for a better life. People pursue a life that they feel they deserve.
To summarise, the formula for success is keeping the right company, plus doing the right activities in the right places. I hope PAP will be your staple food from today.
Centre Manager & Director at Yana Institute of Technology & Orionedutech pty Lt
6 年Team work has everything to do with Pap