What has Creator Written as Truth?
Reading what has been written in the New American Standard Bible at REVELATION 13:3 gives us an a description of an “Antichrist” one of the heads of "the Beast" that had been fatally wounded, and his fatal wound was healed. And then the whole earth was amazed?and followed?after “the beast”.
What has not been defined by a fact check? is?“The? Beast”— who? serves as a symbolic embodiment of spiritual deception, idolatry, and moral corruption. Its portrayal reflects the pervasive forces of evil and spiritual darkness that seek to undermine the divine order and lead humanity astray. The association of the Beast with the number 666 —now in the waining days of 2525—? invites contemplation of profound existential and ethical themes, highlighting the inherent imperfection and moral decay that permeate human history and spiritual consciousness.
So, here comes a voice out of nowhere wondering if CREATOR has a better answer, concerning the APOCALYPSE explaining https://zerocarbon-cement.com with a link to the news of the day https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:3db56ff2-f11b-46a5-80ab-8e09f8137887?comment_id=8435959d-cad8-4900-8211-e00af852d624&showComments=true
And a https://MiningMagazines.com with an ECO-Minerals-Stockpile.com / ECO-Mining-Milling.com pathway leading to affordable / ECO-Housing-America.com, as to why, and how, voters can make a difference by supporting the Obama/Biden ban Burning Coal by 2525, so we collectively may live to see Net Zero Carbon by a Paris Accord, supported by 198 member countries (as one of the first acts President Joe Biden did was to undo the four year of denial, denial, denial) in a rapidly chiming changing lifetime approaching 2050!