What has America come to and when will we provide the help our people really need.
MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
Today on the news they reported that homeless women had a baby at a bus stop in Downtown Oakland on Broadway and everyone just watched her as the Baby fell to the sidewalk. She don't know that she was having a baby and a man on a bike passing by took off his Jacket and wrapped up the baby. The police came and took her to the hospital. The hospital kept the baby and put the mother back on the street. We have dropped to an all time low to allow homeless pregnant women to give birth at a bus stop and no one offering to help her. God is so a shamed of us his Christian people, unwilling to give her a place to stay. All the empty churches but no one willing to offer help! How would you feel if it was you, your daughter or relative? This must stop, we must help!!! THIS IS GOD"S WELL ! This makes me very sad because this mother needs to be with her baby so she can breast feed him and bond with him. I am so sad that no one is trying to help her at this time. Where once again are the churches and Christians? They just put her out in the street.