What Happens To Your Crypto When You Die?
Courage Sirleaf Kimber
Producer & Strategist: Social Media, Gaming & Entertainment
I had an attorney friend ask me "What Happens to My Crypto When I Die?" which is a really good question. The truth is if you do nothing, nothing will happen. It will essentially sit on the blockchain in perpetuity. The whole point of the blockchain is that once you make a transaction it is immutable, you can't change it and without the wallet private key or access to the exchange the crypto is being held it just sits there. The equivalent of a burn wallet holding crypto that is inaccessible and cannot be used. For many crypto represents a great opportunity to build generational wealth and pass it down to their loved ones but if you don't have a plan in place to transfer your digital assets postmortem then that crypto will be forever lost. If you were to get hit by a bus tomorrow, does anyone know how to access your crypto? If the answer is "No," consider creating a plan today and follow me to check out my next post, 5 Ways To Pass Down Crypto Wealth.