What happens when you type [insert generic website here] into a web browser and hit Enter?

What happens when you type [insert generic website here] into a web browser and hit Enter?

The question is a classic, a staple of web infrastructure expertise, if you will.

You probably filled in the generic websites -microsoft.com,?example.com, or maybe?amazon.com. Today, I’d like to answer this question in a high-level overview and also with the use of a simple flowchart using google.com as my generic website. So, without further ado, let’s explore — what happens when you type?https://www.google.com?into a web browser and hit?Enter?

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Before I begin, it is good I define three terms that will be relevant while reading this post:

  • Server:It is another word for a computer or a computer program. Can refer to either hardware or software. Servers provide functionality for other devices. In the context of this post, usage of the term “server(s)” will refer to the computer system(s) hosting https://www.google.com.

·???????Client: A computer or computer program, but one that can access services and functionalities hosted on a server. Most familiarly, clients are the personal devices — laptops, smartphones, etc. — that we use to access services through the internet, among other things. In the context of this article, usage of the term “client” will refer to the web browser.

·???????Protocol: Or, more specifically, communication protocol — a general term for a system of rules, or method, for transmitting data between two devices. The?Open System Interconnections?(OSI) model, the conceptual model used to describe telecommunications between computers, consists of a myriad of protocols.


At their core, web browsers are simple. They function entirely to take a string of text and return the web page that corresponds with it — nothing more, nothing less. Of course, a web browser can only complete this function if it knows what a given string of text it receives is.

Web browsers function on?Internet Protocol?(IP) addresses (think of them as the addresses of servers). It is possible to give web browsers exact IP addresses to access websites — in fact, this would save the browser quite a bit of work — however, we humans have a difficult time remembering 4–12+ digit strings of numbers, let alone the dozens upon dozens of them we frequent every day.

Thus, we instead encode IP addresses as domain names, which make up the?.com,?.net,?.gov?and many, many other domains we’re commonly familiar with. This?Domain Name System?(DNS) makes web browsing vastly more efficient and convenient; yet, domain names in and of themselves are useless to a web browser, which must decode, or resolve, a given one into its corresponding IP address.

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Learn about even more domain name extensions at www.lifewire.com/most-common-tlds-internet-domain-extensions-817511.

Web browsers first and foremost upon receiving the string?https://www.google.com, the web browser, which we’ll exemplify as Microsoft Edge for the purposes of this article, breaks it up like so:

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Our example URL is parsed according to the format above as follows:

·????Protocol —?https— the data transfer method to be used between the client and server. In this case, the protocol is HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure).

·????Hostname — https://www.google.com?— the domain name corresponding to the IP address of the server.

·????Port — the port (think of it like the server’s mailbox) where our request will be sent. Empty in our example URL, but correspondingly implied by the web browser based on the protocol — HTTPS uses port?443.

·????Path-and-file-name — the name of the file requested and its location in the server’s directory. Also left empty in our example URL, thus implied that we are querying the server at the root?/.

In short, our URL specifies that we wish to access the file configured at the root directory of the server hosting?https://www.google.com. Further, we are directing the browser to contact this server at port?443?through HTTPS.

After parsing the URL, the web browser does some double-checking on the hostname,?www.google.com. First, it scans it for any non-ASCII characters,?a-z,?A-Z,?0-9,?.?or?-. Our given URL is clean, but in the case it contained a weird character, Microsoft Edge would use?Punycode?to encode the URL into a functional string.

Finally, the web browser checks caches. Recall that web browsers are just like us. Humans don’t like repeating work they’ve already done, and again, browsers are the same way. In its cache, your browser keeps a running storage of recent hostnames that it has already resolved.

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Microsoft Edge first checks its own cache. If it matches a repeated hostname, it pulls out its IP directly. Upon failing there, it will search in one last place — the operating system’s cache. In the case that it fails again, and as we’ll assume for our example, the browser must undergo the DNS resolution process.

Below is a visualization of where we are right now:

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Having failed to match the received hostname in either its own or the operating system’s cache, Microsoft Edge sends it off to the nearest resolver server (typically your Internet Service Provider) to be resolved into its IP through the Domain Name System.

To learn how DNS works, I highly recommend this website: verisign.com.

For the purposes of this post, simply know that the resolver contacts both the top-level domain server (.com, in our case) and domain registrar before successfully resolving the hostname into its corresponding IP address. When it’s all said and done, Firefox knows the IP address corresponding to?www.google.com?— we'll call it? our example (note that this is not?actually?the IP of the website).

A Flowchart update:

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Finally, our web browser is ready to go. Having resolved the IP address associated with?www.google.com, Firefox proceeds to begin communication with the corresponding server.

The communication between the browser and server occurs over what is referred to as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). This communication protocol is not mandatory — any working protocol goes — but is a standard when it comes to web infrastructure and the OSI model.

TCP, the transport-layer protocol, is responsible for establishing the connection between the client and server. TCP is defined by its reliability — packet (i.e. request/response data) delivery in TCP is guaranteed, even if it takes more time. An alternative transport-layer protocol,?User Datagram Package?(UDP) is faster, but less reliable — packet delivery is not double-checked. UDP is typical of streaming services where instant content takes priority; TCP is used most everywhere else.

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IP addresses are unique to machines, and represent the network addressing and routing that guide the destination points of TCP.

In the context of our example, Microsoft Edge will communicate with the server hosting?www.google.com over TCP — reliability takes precedence over speed for this static website.


The browser knows the IP address of the server it wants to communicate with and the method of going about that communication, but before striking up a nice conversation out in the open, it first undergoes a security check.

The first thing Microsoft sends to the resolved IP address of?www.google.com?is a message containing its?Transport Layer Security?(TLS) version along with a list of supported cipher algorithms and compression methods. TLS is a symmetric cryptography encryption method used to keep communicated data?private,?authenticated, and?reliable. The method is an improved version of what was originally?Secure Sockets Layer?(SSL). While TLS is the standard web cryptography protocol today, SSL remains the representative of the “S” in HTTPS, despite its deprecation in 2015.

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Source: www.slideshare.net/AkamaiTechnologies/tls-evolution

Upon receiving this initial communication, the server chooses its preferred TLS algorithm and method and responds with a certificate, a security approval including the server’s TLS public key. Back at the client-side, the browser uses this public key to encrypt a pre-master key that is sent back to the server.

If the public key sent to our browser was authentic, then the server is able to decrypt the pre-master key with its TLS private key. Upon proof of successful decryption, the browser and server have effectively established a trusted connection and symmetric method of sending messages back-and-forth.

This entire security process is referred to as the TLS handshake, and is responsible for that cool green lock displayed in your browser whenever you connect to a website through HTTPS.

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Recall that HTTPS initially came up as the first block parsed from our URL, and represents the protocol of our website request.?HTTP?stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol, a stateless, asymmetric request-response client-server protocol that over arches TCP/IP. Originally written by the inventor of the internet himself, Tim Berners-Lee, HTTP has persisted as the standard-bearer protocol for internet communication. The most recent version is HTTP/1.1 and is maintained by the?World-wide Web Consortium?(W3C).

Where TCP/IP defines the method?of?communication, HTTP defines?how?computers interact with each other. For instance, after completing the TLS handshake, Microsoft Edge sends a HTTP request message to the server. The request message corresponds to a strict format as follows:

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Source: www.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/webprogramming/http_basics.html

The first line, the request line, defines the type of request the browser makes to the server. There are many types of request messages, two such including POST, to submit data to a server, and DELETE, to delete data from one. Our entry of?https://www.google.com?qualifies as a GET message, which acquires a web resource (web page) for a client from a server.

In the header section of HTTP request messages, the browser can specify details of the request, such as if the connection to the server should be terminated immediately or not, or whether the server should store cookies (persisted session information for a given client).

The request body is optional, and mostly irrelevant to request messages.



Throughout these first five steps I’ve repeatedly referenced our browser as communicating with the server hosting?www.google.com. Now, I was not [intentionally] misleading you, I promise, but the truth is, up to this point, we haven’t quite yet interacted with the server hosting our desired web page. Instead, we’ve been interacting with an initial in-between — the load balancer.

To introduce the importance of load balancing, realize that?over four billlion people use the internet today. Think about the number of HTTP GET requests sent to a particular website every day, every hour, every minute, and every second, especially for those behemoth websites such as Google or Amazon. Then think about how your personal computer begins to slow down after running just a handful of processes, let alone if it had to manage?over 63,000 requests per second.

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There’s no possible way a single computer could effectively handle that much traffic. In reality, most all established websites split up traffic across a multitude of servers. Each are configured to serve requests identically, and by splitting requests among them, traffic is handled much more efficiently.

A load balancer is an intermediary responsible for handling this traffic-splitting work. A load balancer is a software that can be configured either on the same server as that hosting web content or on a server all its own. One such common and free load balancer software is?HAProxy.

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HTTP request traffic is split up by a program such as HAProxy according to a load balancing algorithm. There are various types of load balancing algorithms, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. One such example includes round-robin load balancing, which sends requests to servers in turn according to a queue. Another is least connections, which sends a new request to the server currently handling the least number of connections. You can read about more load balancing algorithms?here.

Backtracking in our example, the resolved IP address of?www.google.com?was truly the IP address of the load balancer server. Microsoft Edge completed the TLS handshake with this load balancer server, thus making it the?TLS termination proxy. Almost like a post office, this server, which we’ll imagine is configured with a round-robin algorithm on HAProxy, was the receiver of our HTTP GET request. HAProxy took the request, pulled up the IP address of the next web server in its queue, and sent it off that way.

So far I’ve described a setup with just a single load balancer. However, if a website is configured with just one load balancer, and that load balancer server fails, the entire site would be inaccessible — the load balancer would be referred to as a?single point of failure.

Ideally, a stable website will be configured with multiple load balancers set up as a transparent cluster. Each load balancer in the cluster always knows the status of its companions, and anyone can handle a greater share of requests in the case that another goes down.



We are very, very close to retrieving our web page. But, before our GET request is officially, finally received by the host server, the message goes through one last security check — a firewall.

Through the TLS handshake, our browser came to an agreement with the load balancer server as to how to encrypt messages as they are passed back-and-forth. TLS achieves three crucial security purposes — privacy, integrity, and identification — yet it fails to account for a fourth — honesty.

Firewalls are hardware, software, or an implementation of both that filter all traffic coming into and out of a server. TLS is effective for preventing data from being intercepted mid-transmission. Yet, it assumes that received data is coming from a trusted source. Firewalls make no such assumptions, and utilize a combination of packet filters, application gateways, circuit-level gateways and proxy servers to make certain that a packet does not contain viruses or malicious hardware.


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Source: digitalguardian.com/sites/default/files/ngfw.png

Firewalls are relatively straightforward to install, and are typically configured anywhere data is received, including both load balancer and host servers. One such freely available and fantastically-named one on Linux is?Uncomplicated Firewall?(UFW).


STEP 7 — Host Server

Resolved into its IP, transferred over TCP/IP, encrypted by TLS, formatted as HTTP, passed by a firewall, distributed by a load balancer, and passed through another firewall, our initial URL has been received as a HTTP GET request by a server hosting our desired web page.

The host server is a web stack consisting of multiple parts that is traditionally set up along the lines of what is termed the?LAMP?model. The LAMP model breaks down as follows:

·???????L?— Linux — the operating system on which the host server runs. Pick your favorite distribution. We’ll use Ubuntu for our example.

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Source: https://allvectorlogo.com/img/2016/06/linux-logo-2.png

·???????A?— Apache — the HTTP web server. This is the software that handles HTTP request/response messages and ultimately delivers the static web page. Apache is the most common HTTP web server used, although others such as Nginx are equally capable.

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Source: www.unixmen.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Apache-http-server.png

·???????M?— MySQL — the database server. This is the database software, typically SQL-based, that stores information such as user accounts. MySQL is a free and popular one, but again, any database software works. A typical website will be configured with multiple database servers, with one configured as a “primary” database having exclusive write privileges whose changes are echoed out to “replicant” databases only having read privileges. This setup is referred to as a “primary-replica” model.


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Source: https://www.codecheese.com/wp-content/uploads/mysql-logo.png

·???????P?— PHP/Python — the application server. Web servers are fine for delivering static, unchanging web pages, but lack the capability of representing dynamic content crucial to modern sites. PHP and Python are two high-level languages supported by web servers that can handle dynamic content, but other languages include JavaScript and Ruby.

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Source: https://www.interskill.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/python-programming.jpg

Each part of this LAMP web stack can be configured separately, or all on the same server. While, traditionally, each level of the stack would be run on a virtual machine, today it is common to separate each part into individual containers such as Docker that are provisioned with exactly the software needed to run the given server.

The stack works together on a common codebase to deliver a web page. A codebase in a LAMP stack configured with the above programs will include a mixture of Apache configuration files, Python scripts, and MySQL queries.

Delivery of a web page works as follows:

·???????A GET request is received by the web server. The web server pulls up the file configured at the given location (in our example, the HTML file configured at the root (/) of the machine).

·???????If the file contains dynamic content, the application server is run (ie. the corresponding Python scripts are run). The result of these scripts is inserted into the web page.

·???????If the dynamic content involves stored data, the Python scripts queries from the database server (probably through Python libraries such as?MySQLdb?or?SQLAlchemy).

·???????The web server delivers the web page.

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Source: image.slidesharecdn.com/high-availability-for-the-lamp-stack-141214150528-conversion-gate01/95/high-availability-for-the-lamp-stack-4–638.jpg?

Remember that a given website will most reliably be configured with multiple servers. This serves to more efficiently handle traffic while also preventing another single point of failure — multiple load balancers do no good if there are no working web servers. And, keep in mind that data is only received by an individual server after it has passed its firewall!

We’ll configure our flowchart with three host servers, each running an Ubuntu Linux distribution utilizing three containers — one each for an Apache web, Python app, and MySQL database server. This will be an active-active setup; in other words, all servers will be running and handling requests simultaneously (as opposed to an active-passive setup). The database container on the first host server will be the master, while the others will be replicants.



Before finishing this off, it’s worth nothing that overlooking the web infrastructure setup we’ve described is a monitoring software. Websites are touchy, and a smoothly running website requires constant surveillance and fine-tuning according to statistics such as the amount of traffic, the speed of request handling, and the status of servers. Such statistics are collected by a monitoring software.

An example is SumoLogic.

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Monitoring software work in differing ways. SumoLogic collects statistics by installing “agents” on each server in a web infrastructure — in our example, this means installing an agent on both load balancers and both host servers — and gathering that data back in a separate cloud server.

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Lastly we have:


It’s been a long journey, but our web browser has finally received the web page we requested. After pulling up the HTML file configured at the root of?www.google.com, the host server sent it back to the web browser in a HTTP response message formatted as follows:

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Source: https://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/ehchua/programming/webprogramming/http_basics.html

The initial status line of this response message includes a status code indicating the success of the handled request. Upon successful retrieval and delivery of the web page, the host server signals?200. Other common status codes include?301?(page redirection) and?404?(page not found).

In the response header, the host server states information about the delivered page such as its type (HTML, in our case) and size.

Finally, in the response message body, the host server delivers the actual, entire HTML code itself. This is what the browser has been looking for since the start! Now it shows off, utilizing its HTML and CSS engines to parse the code, break it down into its Document Object Model, and render the page. Any JavaScript scripts written in the file are run. When it’s all said and done, Microsoft Edge displays a beauty, a joy, a realization of our dream — the Google website home page.

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A quick rundown of the process just described:

·???????The browser receives the URL?https://www.google.com?and parses it into its protocol (https), hostname (www.google.com), port (implicity,?443), and location (implicity, root?/).

·???????The browser checks if the hostname has already been resolved in its own or the OS’s cache. If so, the corresponding IP is retrieved right there and then.

·???????Otherwise, the hostname is resolved through the Domain Name System.

·???????The browser completes a TLS handshake with the load balancer specified at the resolved IP. This communication occurs over TCP/IP.

·???????Having established an encrypted connection method, the browser sends the load balancer a GET request for the file located at the root of?www.google.com.

·???????The GET request is passed through a firewall on the load balancer.

·???????The load balancer distributes the GET request to the next available host server, as determined by its configured load balancing algorithm.

·???????The GET request is passed through a firewall on the host server.

·???????The host server retrieves the file located at its root directory and returns its content, served dynamically by the application and database servers.

·???????The browser receives the HTTP response message containing the file content and renders the HTML page to the user.


