What happens when you type https://www.google.com in your browser and press Enter.
Pam Bature
Software Engineer, Project manager,web developer,mobile app developer, web app developer and data analyst
Presently, this is quite possibly of the most famous inquiry that is typically posed by employers of software developers to know how top to bottom a developer has gone as far as the information about how certain things work. How things fill in as well as how their primary devices work.
At the point when you have a conversation with a decent mechanical engineer he will very much want to examine about a few great terms in mechanics and you could consider how he got to realize this, same goes to being a software developer. There is need to know the essential information and obviously basics about how certain circumstances pan out and not simply utilizing it.
Presently when a URL is composed into the program and the enter key is hit a few things happen, for example, the program filters for the space name enter and coordinates it with the separate IP address through DNS (Domain Name System) and there is a solicitation sent called the HTTP demand by the program to the server then the server who will get the solicitation will thusly send a HTTP reaction back. As of now, the program renders assets which is regularly a Hyper Message Markup Language (HTML) record, then, at that point, the program can send and get different assets required for the legitimate delivering of the website page like pictures, styling, and so on. By continuing mentioning and answering a few times. At long last when the page is stacked, the program send further offbeat solicitations whenever it's required.
Presently this may be a little gurly, yet we should accept a portion of these focuses to dig more and grasp how this functions.
The Domain Name System:
The Domain Name System is the various leveled and decentralized naming framework used to distinguish PCs, administrations, and different assets reachable through the Web or other Web Convention organizations. As we have said at first, the DNS manages the naming of the IP address, so when the URL is composed into the program, the program by the assistance of the DNS filters for the matching IP address for the area name recently entered.
Involving the ping in the terminal to figure out the IP address planned to 'google.com' it was found that the IP address is
No alt text accommodated this picture
We previously talked about how the Domain Name is connected to a specific IP which implies the Web Convention. Presently we want to realize that not just the Web Convention exist in the web world as we have different conventions, the IP is only a part of the TCP/IP correspondence suite that aides in the interconnection of organization gadgets on the web. The TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) helps in gathering and reassembling bundles of information while the IP ensures that a specific packet of information is send to the right destination.
The Firewall:
This is a framework intended to forestall approved admittance to or from a confidential or private network. More often than not, when a solicitation is made by the program for assets, presently taking our model 'https://www.google.com' for instance, and as we have expressed over that its IP address is, the most common way of mentioning for the items in the web server must be confirmed by the firewall certainly in the event that it's protected or not. In the event that the firewall finds it risky, a dangerous banner or unsafe flag will be set, else, the website page will get delivered.
I'm extremely certain at each moment you could have seen sites with http and furthermore with the https, the 's' signifies secure behind the Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The HTTPS convention makes it feasible for site clients to communicate delicate information, for example, Mastercard numbers, banking data, and login qualifications safely over the web. Regularly, the HTTP is enough for the solicitation and reaction task, however it gives space for the man-in-the-center assault which permits listening in and data can be taken or broken. The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is incorporated to encode the information being sent over the web and try not to be captured by an outsider. What's more, this should be visible in the 'https://www.google.com'.
Load Balancer:
On the off chance that you are to be sure following this article, we have examined prior that very a sites are associated with IP tends to which hints that they are arranged in what we call a web server (we will return to this later). Presently you can envision when you enter 'https://www.google.com' and a large number of others are likewise making same solicitation with their program simultaneously, it will get to a period that the web server will get immersed and the solicitations will hit a stop and one single web server can not serve solicitations and reactions. Presently here comes an idea known as Burden Adjusting, and it is productively circulating approaching organization traffic across a gathering of backend servers. A heap balancer goes about as the "traffic cop" sitting before your servers and steering client demands across all servers equipped for satisfying those solicitations in a way that expands speed and limit use and guarantees that nobody server is exhausted, which could debase execution. So when 'https://www.google.com' is placed in the program, the heap balancer disperses the organization to the most accessible web server. HAproxy is an exceptionally popular burden balancer, and illustration of calculations that we can utilize are the cooperative effort, which disseminates the solicitations switching back and forth between every one of the servers equitably and importantly, or the least-association, which conveys demands relying upon the ongoing server loads.
Web Server:
A web server is a computer software?and behind the scene hardware that acknowledges requests by means of HTTP (the network protocol made to disperse web content) or its protected variation HTTPS. It houses each of the a site involves as it serves every one of the solicitations from the programs. At the most fundamental level, at whatever point a program needs a document that is facilitated on a web server, the program demands the record by means of HTTP. At the point when the solicitation comes to the right (hardware) web server, the (software) HTTP server acknowledges the solicitation, tracks down the mentioned record, and sends it back to the program, additionally through HTTP. (In the event that the server doesn't find the mentioned report, it returns a 404 reaction all things being equal.)
Application Server:
An application server works with a web server to deal with demands or requests for dynamic content, for example, servlets, from web applications. They assist in serving dynamic content as more often than not sites are not only designed for just requests from the browser, there are situations when there will be need to save in some data, send a few information and so on.
Database Management System:
The last thing we will examine is the database management system, before we dig into that we want to know why we really want a database. A database is data that is set up for simple access, management and updating. Computer database commonly store conglomerations of information records or documents that contain data, like deals exchanges, client information, financials and item data. A Data set Administration Situation regularly assists us with characterizing, control, recover and oversee information in a database.
How might we unite every one of these, when we type 'https://www.google.com' in our program, the program sends a few solicitations after the DNS has concluded what IP address to look from, the webserver then looks into the mentioned URL and on the off chance that is there, it get the record and send it back as a HTTP reaction. At the point when the program gets the necessary reaction, it serves the program with the data gotten from the webserver and puts the content on display.