What happens when you type google.com in your browser and press Enter

What happens when you type google.com in your browser and press Enter

Practically all people who have gotten to the web have, on one event in their web-based investigation, entered "https://www.google.com" into a program. Have you at any point contemplated what happens just after you press the enter key? In the event that you have at any point been interested in this, then, at that point, permit me to explain that to you.


As opposed to only skimming the surface, I will dive into the complexities so you get a total comprehension and furthermore foster specialized capability concerning how the web works. Just sit back and relax, I will work on everything however much as could be expected for you to understand.


Just to guarantee we are on a similar frequency, I expect you are know all about the expression "program." In any case, on the off chance that you are not, that is entirely fine. A program is basically an application that permits you to get to the web. A few normal models incorporate Google Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, Safari, Drama, Edge, and so on.



At the point when you enter a URL (uniform asset finder, for example, "https://www.google.com" into your internet browser (e.g., Chrome) and hit enter, many activities happen before any result is shown on your program. Luckily, this multitude of activities occurs in a brief instant, so you have the opportunity to consider them. Before I dig into the singular advances included and elucidate them, let me give you a concise outline of the relative multitude of cycles that happen inside those couple of microseconds.


Your PC sends a solicitation to the space name framework (DNS) server, which capabilities as a location book for all area names. The DNS server then, at that point, returns the exact IP address of the server that https://www.google.com focuses on.


With this IP address, your PC then, at that point, makes an association with the server by means of the IP address. This association type is called TCP (Transmission Control Convention), and your PC can lay out this association through the IP (Web Convention). This whole cycle is known as a "handshake."


Assuming that your PC is arranged behind a firewall, the firewall checks that the particular solicitation you are making is approved prior to giving it. Furthermore, in the event that the server you are endeavoring to get to is likewise behind a firewall, a comparable check will be led before you can at last interface with the server.


When the association is laid out, your program sends a solicitation for the site page utilizing a security convention like SSL (Secure Attachments Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) to encode the information that will be traded between your PC and the server. This encryption is liable for the "s" in "https" (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), demonstrating a protected association.


To deal with high traffic, organizations like Google keep up with numerous servers and utilize a heap balancer to convey demands among them. The heap balancer gets the solicitation from your program and sends it to a particular server in light of its calculation.


The server getting the solicitation sends a reaction back to the heap balancer, which thusly sends it back to your program. The reaction commonly incorporates HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS (Flowing Templates), and JavaScript documents that make up the website page. The HTML records educate the program on how to show the substance, while the CSS document styles it and the JavaScript record adds intelligence.


On the off chance that unique substance, for example, Google indexed lists, is required, the web server demands it from an application server, which may then demand information from a data set server. The web server remembers this information for the reaction it sends back to the program. At long last, the program delivers the site page and shows it to you.


Is it true that you are mindful of the various exercises that occur before you can see anything on your internet browser? This is only a short outline of the cycle. Presently, how about we analyze each move toward detail?


Space Name Framework (DNS) Solicitation

At the point when you enter a space name or site on your program, the program saves the DNS record in its store.

Consequently, when you type a space name like "google.com" on your internet browser, it checks its reserve for the latest duplicate of the DNS record for that area.

Assuming there is a new duplicate of the DNS record for that space, the program utilizes the IP address in the reserve to send a solicitation to the server. These velocities up the most common way of changing over the space name to an IP address since it sidesteps the need to send a solicitation to the DNS server.

In any case, in the event that the program reserve doesn't have a new duplicate of the DNS record or on the other hand on the off chance that the DNS record has been refreshed since the last time it was stored, the program sends a solicitation to the DNS server to change over the space name to an IP address.

This is a complicated interaction, so we should dive into the various stages included.

DNS Query Cycle

This is the way the DNS query process works:

The program sends a solicitation to the neighborhood DNS resolver, which is much of the time given by the network access supplier (ISP). The neighborhood DNS resolver checks its reserve for the latest duplicate of the DNS record for the area. In the event that it has it, it sends the IP address back to the program. In the event that the neighborhood DNS resolver doesn't have the latest duplicate of the DNS record, it sends a solicitation to a root nameserver. The root nameserver answers with the location of a top-level domain (TLD) nameserver, for example, .com

The neighborhood DNS resolver sends a solicitation to the TLD nameserver.

The TLD nameserver answers with the location of the definitive nameserver for the area.

The neighborhood DNS resolver sends a solicitation to the definitive nameserver.

The legitimate nameserver answers with the IP address for the space.

The nearby DNS resolver sends the IP address back to the program.

The program sends a solicitation to the server at the IP address to recover the website page.


This cycle might include extra advances on the off chance that the DNS record isn't found at any of the nameservers or on the other hand on the off chance that the DNS record is gotten up positioned utilize a help, for example, DNS load adjusting or content delivery networks (CDN).


The span for which the DNS record is stored (known as the "TTL" or "Time To Live") is not set in stone by the legitimate nameserver and can be tweaked by the space proprietor.


TCP/IP network

TCP (Transmission Control Convention) and IP (Web Convention) are two of the essential conventions that comprise the web. They work to lay out a connection between a client and a server and work with the trading of information between them. At the point when you input "google.com" into an internet browser, the program utilizes TCP/IP to lay out a connection with the server that has the site.

This occurs more meticulously:


The program utilizes IP to send a solicitation to the server to lay out an association.

The server gets the solicitation and communicates something specific back recognizing the solicitation to lay out an association. This is known as the handshake strategy.

When the handshake is finished, the program can utilize TCP to send a solicitation for the website page it needs to access (on this occasion, the landing page of google.com). This solicitation is made utilizing TCP, which guarantees that the solicitation is sent dependably and in the right arrangement.

The server gets the solicitation and sends the HTML code for the landing page of google.com back to the program. This reaction is additionally sent utilizing TCP to guarantee trustworthy transmission.

The program gets the HTML code and uses it to show the website page on your screen. Any assets (like pictures) that the site page requires are additionally mentioned and gotten utilizing TCP/IP.


Firewall insurance

A firewall is a security framework that controls and screens approaching and active organization traffic in view of foreordained security strategies. Its essential goal is to shield an organization from outside dangers, like programmers and malware.

At the point when you type a URL like "google.com" into your program, the solicitation that your program makes to the research's server goes through the firewall on the way. The firewall analyzes the approaching solicitation to guarantee that it is allowed in light of its security strategies.

There are two essential kinds of safety strategies that a firewall utilizes to inspect approaching solicitations:


approaches that permit or forbid traffic in view of the beginning and objective of the solicitation. For instance, a firewall might be modified to impede all traffic from explicit nations or to permit just unambiguous IP locations to get to the organization.

strategies that permit or preclude traffic in light of the sort of traffic. For instance, a firewall might be customized to impede all traffic on specific ports, (for example, those utilized by malware) or to permit just particular kinds of traffic (like HTTP or HTTPS).


On the off chance that the approaching solicitation



HTTPS (Hypertext Move Convention Secure) is a protected rendition of HTTP, which is utilized to communicate information on the web. It encodes the information sent between your program and Google's server.


SSL (Secure Attachments Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are encryption conventions that guarantee the well-being of information sent over HTTPS.


At the point when your program interfaces with Google's server utilizing HTTPS, it concurs with Google's server on the rendition of SSL/TLS to utilize and makes a solid, scrambled channel for information transmission.

To make sense of what's going on here, let me utilize a relationship.

HTTPS resembles a locked box used to send messages over the web. At the point when you use HTTPS to communicate something specific, you put it in a locked box and send it to the beneficiary. Just the beneficiary has the way to open the case and read the message.


SSL/TLS resemble extraordinary codes used to lock and open the container. At the point when you use HTTPS to communicate something specific, you and the beneficiary settle on the code to use to lock and open the container. Along these lines, just you and the beneficiary know the code and can peruse the message.


At the point when you enter "google.com" into your program, the program resembles the shipper of the message. The server facilitating google.com resembles the beneficiary. The program sends a solicitation for the website page utilizing HTTPS, which resembles placing the solicitation in a locked box and sending it to the server. The server then sends the site page back to the program utilizing HTTPS, which resembles placing the site page in the locked box and sending it back to the program.



A heap balancer is a device that disperses approaching organization traffic across a gathering of servers or assets. Its fundamental capability is to guarantee that the traffic is appropriated equally across the servers to forestall over-burdening any single server and to build the general limit and unwavering quality of the framework.


Google, which gets billions of site guests daily, requires numerous servers to serve this large number of clients. Thus, they need to set up a heap balancer to guarantee that a few servers are not overburdened while others are underutilized. At the point when a program attempts to get to google.com, the heap balancer gets the approaching solicitation from the program and advances it to one of the servers in the Google server organization. The server picked will rely upon the kind of burden adjusting calculation executed.


Web Server

A web server is a product that is responsible for overseeing demands for pages from clients, (for example, a program endeavoring to get to google.com). At the point when a client sends a solicitation for a site page to a site server, the server handles the solicitation and returns the proper reaction to the client.

This implies that Google's server will get a solicitation from the heap balancer while endeavoring to get to google.com.

The web server would then deal with the solicitation and produce a reaction, which would for the most part comprise the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript documents that make up the site page.

The site server would then send this reaction back to the heap balancer, which would advance it to the program. The program would then utilize the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript records to show the page for the client.


Server for Applications and Information base

Dissimilar to the web server, the application server handles dynamic substance. While utilizing "google.com," the application server will be liable for delivering the list items (which change in light of the question you input into the web search tool).


At the point when you present a pursuit question to research, the solicitation is first shipped off the heap balancer, which advances it to one of the web servers in the Google server organization. The web server then sends the solicitation to the application server, which handles the solicitation and produces the query items. Contingent upon the intricacy of the pursuit question, the application server might have to make a solicitation to an information base to recover the important information.

For example, on the off chance that you are looking for a specific item on an internet business site, the application server might have to get data about the item from a data set.

When the application server has procured the necessary information, it sends it back to the site server, which remembers it for the reaction that is sent back to the program. The program then, at that point, utilizes this data to show the query items to you.


Showing the Page

At the point when a program gets a reaction from a site server, it processes the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript documents that are remembered for the reaction to show the page. The showing system includes deciphering the HTML and CSS code, showing any pictures or different media that are remembered for the page, and executing any JavaScript code that is available on the page.


In your occasion, your program would get the reaction from the site server, which incorporates the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript documents that make up the Google page. The program will use these documents to show the website page and present it to you. This technique normally incorporates the following:

introducing the text and pictures on the site page in the fitting positions

organizing the text and plan in accordance with the CSS styles

playing out any JavaScript code that exists on the page

After the page has been altogether shown, you can now draw in with it by squeezing joins, composing text, or cooperating with different highlights on the site page.


All in all, I trust that this short post has provided you with a superior comprehension of all that happens "in the engine" when you type www.google.com into your program and press Enter

Much obliged to you for perusing.

mariam w.mostafa

T24 Core banking application - Senior Business Analyst at Arab African International Bank

1 年



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