What happens when you type google.com in your browser and press Enter
Ouattara El Hadj Youssouf
??Prix Afro-Excellence 2024 - .J'aide les entreprises à être visibles et développer leur chiffres d'affaires grace au référencement naturel (Google) et à la publicité digitale.
?when typing www.google.com,
The request is transmitted to the local DNS server that will try to resolve the name, if necessary it will contact the DNS server that has authority over the zone, which in turn will return an alias name to the local DNS server. The local DNS server will then contact the ISP of the operator, which will be able to direct the request based on the information provided. The traffic will be checked before being transferred to the web server that hosts the requested page. It is from there that we have access to the application server and the databases that store the information of the requested page.
We have three ISPs is also accessible for information retrieval also that loads traffic, ie if the first ISP is overloaded or not available that same request could be forwarded by the second ISP.