What happens when you follow your he(art) ? - A short story.
On a hot sunny day, a man was breaking the stones to make a sculpture. He felt so tired and asked himself why is this life so difficult? Why does anyone need to work hard in this life?
He wipes his sweat in his head and sips some water to quench his thirst. He sits on a rock and watches a flock of sparrows flying in the branches of a dense tree. The birds twittered, played and picked the fruits to eat. The thoughts arose in his head saying they are happy and content but then he realized that they are working too!
He asked himself,
do the birds worry? Do they really worry and get fed up like me? But they look good every time? It's beautiful to see, but it needs hard work for how fast they flutter their wings and stay at that height. But they look surprisingly curious and calm? They sit at a place, but they also flick to sets off and fly to the next trees, or to join the other birds on a search?
He wondered!
Can I be calm and curious like them and still be working? They look so gracious to fly and to do what they wanted to do? Although they are curious, they are actively cautious for the evil to come but they pretend to be cheerful? They eat what they get and they fly to explore the world?
He questioned: What will make me like a bird? Can I be one like it?
He realized: I need wings. Then I can fly.
He went to a famous Sage and asked him if he can bless him with wings. So, he can become a bird and fly like them. Then he can do what he wanted to feel freer.
The wise man, the Sage, gets to know his wants and smiled. He said, you already have the wings! Do you not realize it?
The man was surprised with joy and asked the Sage if that was true? He asked him to show him where the wings appeared or it is invisible to see...
With all joy, he said he wants to use the wings to fly to faraway places... to get into the deepest skies... Up and to the moon and then to explore the beauty of the world... He wants to eat and taste all the fruits from different trees and live long with those finest birds...
the Sage smiled and replied...
Well, yes, you do have wings!
But do not search for it outside your body. You won't see it...
it is there within you... It is attached within your soul... You can fly with it wherever you want. To do that, you need to reduce that much you weigh and become, as light as the feathers of those birds you admire.
The man wondered!
The Sage said,
not from your body, but from your mind. You need to feel free and leave behind the worries. You should believe that everything is possible and start to work that makes your joy.
You can fly to places to explore the world and yes, you may live like these wonderful birds.
A sculptor's job is hard, but if you feel the same, can you create something? How did the sculptures come to this world? How was it created? It was created with hard work. It was created by great people. While they created those masterpieces, they travelled, they took a flight to places, where they got ideas and everything they wanted. Those are the places where everything is rich and abundant, thus giving them ideas to feel their joy and feel free. It brings them courage and faith to make them imagine and live in abundance!
You will discover the abundance like a bird, like a human being. Like a free soul that has no limits.
You don't need real wings to go anywhere. Worry less, Feel lighter and Follow your heart.
Do the work, what you like. You will never be tired! You will always realize a short of your lifetime... You will create masterpieces for that angel’s pauses to admire and praise your creation.
Explained the Sage.
Taking this advice, this hard stone-breaking man realizes his work as a sculptor. He brought the wings from within and got deep down to his heart to create a temple of arts. The art he brought were praised by people all over the world. He became what he wants to become.
Moral of this Story:
Your he(art) has an art inside. Start sculpting yourself and find yourself! It can change your life. Become like a bird, with a lighter feather and fly farther and do not stop, explore, more than your world, which is limited to only your imagination.
^^ Bring out your wings. Start flying! ^^
Thanks Sophia P Joseph for the edit!