What Happens When You Ditch Social Media?
Photo by Prateek Katyal: https://www.pexels.com/photo/heart-and-zero-neon-light-signage-2694434/

What Happens When You Ditch Social Media?

According to Statista (Dixon, 2024), the average time of social media use in 2024 has amounted to 143 minutes globally. It’s an improvement compared to the last year (151 minutes), but the data clearly indicates how much of our real life has moved online. Observing people around you, it is evident that social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. While it definitely offers numerous benefits, such as staying in touch with family, friends, and co-workers or sharing experiences and information, it can also reduce your life to the size of your phone screen.?

I am not technophobic by any means – at the end of the day, the very same technology whose influence I am about to scrutinise allows me to reach out to you. Make no mistake —despite its numerous advantages, pulling away from social media (at least partially) can bring you some surprising benefits.

Enhanced Productivity

Social media was designed to glue yout attention to the screen in a way nothing can replicate. By following the content intended to attract views, social media has become a distraction capable of pulling you away from work duties. Constant notifications, likes, and comments curb your focus, reduce productivity, and make you prone to committing unnecessary mistakes. When social media is part of your job, it may be difficult to resist the temptation of wondering off. Therefore, to resist this tendency, create a list of tasks you need to perform beforehand and close the apps when your assignment are fulfilled.?

Reduced Anxiety and a Boost of Self-Esteem

Did your friend show her glow-up on Instagram or post about a promotion on LinkedIn? Such things can make you feel inferior, especially when we crave the same things for ourselves. Constant comparisons, although not limited to social media per se, gradually harm your self-esteem preventing us from realising that each individual's life is different and a path to the same achievements will not be alike. Glamorised successes are but a fragment of life that conveniently overshadows the struggles that preceded them. Following your dreams while avoiding the curated achievements of other people will allow you to concentrate on what matters most to you. That way you will lalso distance yourself from the glamorous mirage of someone else's life.?

Engage in Real-Life Networking

While social media gives you a chance to make industry-related connections, how often do you really follow up on them? 5000 connections on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram does not necessarily translate to the same number of opportunities. A virtual contact, although potentially beneficial, is in no way as effective as a real-life encounter. Instead of scrolling mindlessly through a social media feed, invest your time in offline networking events where you can meet professionals and recruiters who can help you in your development. By stepping back from social media, you may find more time and motivation to engage in social activities, strengthening your relationships and creating more viable opportunities.

More Time For Meaningful Hobbies

Ditching social media will give you more time for activities that have been taking the back seat for way too long. Perhaps you can go back to a regular reading practice that will expand your knowledge and give you new ideas for professional development. Alternatively, you can start attending workshops or bootcamps you always put off. The less screen time can potentially translate to a long-term investment in your potential that will benefit you far better than watching shorts on YouTube.

Increased Creativity

Once you start directing attention to yourself, you will notice that your own brain has more to offer than even the best-curated social media feed. Constant exposure to social media can stifle creativity by overwhelming the mind with information and distractions. Operating on a social media autopilot will make you susceptible to negative influences while utilising your own brain? and research skills will flood you with ideas you haven’t thought about earlier. In one of these ideas may lie a recipe for a billions-dollar company or a patent that will revolutionise the way a certain industry operates.?

While social media has its benefits, taking a break or reducing its use can lead to numerous positive outcomes. Improved mental health, increased productivity, better sleep, enhanced real-life interactions, and more time for personal interests are just a few of the advantages. By withdrawing from social media, you can create a healthier, more balanced lifestyle that prioritises your well-being and personal growth.


Dixon, S.J. (2024). Daily time spent on social networking by internet users worldwide from 2012 to 2024. [online] Statista. Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/433871/daily-social-media-usage-worldwide/#:~:text=How%20much%20time%20do%20people [Accessed 24 Jul. 2024].

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