What Happens When We Don't Learn From History...We Follow Leaders that Fail Humanity
Carlos Cymerman
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What makes thoughtless leaders most dangerous is the contentious support staff of Yes Sayers (people who support falsehoods, and spread propaganda to fit the narrative) ...who sell out the morals and values of their country to appease a reckless immoral EGO driven BOSS.
In the early days, an unconventional leader seems to inspire change. But what seems at face value as a heroic act to give people the 'Chutzpah' to act and be (or do) whatever they please regardless of consequence....turns out to be the onset and failure to accept the differences and liberties afforded to every human being...life, equality, peace, and safety.
These indiscriminate leaders disperse hate and violence induced idealisms (Racism, Misogynism, Antisemitism). They kill the soul of the world...and America too.
Leaders Kill
Hitler thru genocide killed 11 million people; and an additional 6 million Jews. About 408,000 American soldiers died in World War Two.
Under Trump's leadership; 220,000 Americans have lost their lives (8,000 Americans are loosing their life every day). In addition, Trump's confrontational style of dealing with enemies like North Korea...can incite a nuclear war that can kill millions of people with a touch of a button.
You Can Stand On the Right Side of History
In the United States...Thank God...we have value driven patriots who put County Before Party...and can choose (vote for the President) that will lead the better part of our future history with love, integrity, compassion, truth, and service.
And not repeat the errors of our past leaders to save millions of lives.