What happens when all judgement is suspended?
What happens when all judgement is gone
When we say anything, when we feel anything if we feel guilt, if we feel sadness then that is the butterfly affect we send out to the world and people are walking through our data every day. Between you and me right now, there is data.
98% of what we pick up on is not ours it is other peoples but we think its ours and we process it and we accept it and we take it all on board , trying to "fix" it
Be aware of that - that is why you need to stay awake, to be mindful of your vibration inside and not to pick up on the outside world. The outside world is affecting you at all times you must protect yourself by being inside so if I make a telephone call to somebody you don’t see the data between you and I. You only hear it when you pick it up on your phone. Look at how much space is between us on a call or a zoom, and that frequency/vibration is travelling - we cant see it, no one can, but people are picking up on it.
We are the same so if I put guilt vibrations out there in the air then other people will walk through that guilt and they will pick it up I will have given them guilt
It is my responsibility to give out love joy peace prosperity abundance happy healthy wealthy and when I do that I am being full of self - self full. If I am thinking about guilt and trying to be happy, and not authentic to my true self, then I am being selfish
Think of the word fish ......
Fish is to catch, fish is to get, therefore I am fishing , I am trying to get. I can’t get what I already have. That’s why it felt painful when I start to look at people look at things and try to get. Send out joy love and peace then all of a sudden there is nobody to protect myself from there is nobody to judge - I just feel love joy and peace for everybody
So stop being selfish by sending guilt into the world. Guilt and shame you’re hurting people Be full of self. Be self full - love joy happiness peace prosperity
Oh judgement is gone then..........
The other thing with this is is that you’re always paving the way forward for yourself so if you keep sending out guilt and shame and not enough nice then you’re walking into it over and over and over again So what if you put love Joy peace abundance happiness and you paved your way forward with that - so you walk into it. Just think how great your life would be if you just visualise the energy to go in front of you of love joy and abundance, and you walking into it it feels so good
You cannot tell the new story in the old story vibration
So imagine when you’re walking and your paving the path like the yellow Brick Road. You are paving the path of love Joy peace and prosperity. If there’s any vibration in that way that will just get knocked out of the way where is what we’re doing is we are concentrating just on getting rid of a feeling and then we walk into it we are walking to everybody else’s feelings on a continual basis and we’re getting knocked about. We must concentrate on paving our path forward and sending out Love, joy not trying to get Love, joy but sending it out look at people and send them love Joy peace and prosperity look at the air in front of you and send I love Joy peace and prosperity.
How great would the world be? Your quality of life is depending on it. Stay awake. This is how you can suspend all judgement and what you feel is peace and prosperity and so does everyone around you !!
Sheena Cantar
CEO Cantar Academy