What Happens to the Fur Baby if its Human Parents Separate?
Umbrella Family Law
At Umbrella Family Law we do more than just provide you with legal advice, we help you start your new life.
Love for our fur baby friends typically lasts unconditionally forever but unfortunately the same cannot always be said for relationships between humans.
When couples separate, there are a myriad of things to consider – how much time will the children spend with each parent, how will assets be divided, how will funds stretch, does there need to be a divorce, are there family violence issues?? Sometimes in the midst of all of the other issues, the question of what should happen with the family pet can be forgotten until the last minute.? Conversely, sometimes, the question of what should happen with the family pet is the most important thing.
When lawyers are assisting people who are separating to consider how much time the children will spend with each parent, the overriding premise under Australian Family Law is to consider the best interest of the child.
Unfortunately, the Australian family law still sees pets as “chattels”, just like furniture, whitegoods etc.? That means that if you ask most lawyers for help about what to do with your beloved furry friends, they won’t ask about the day to day needs of the animal and what is in its “best interests” but will necessarily ask you questions such as whose name it is registered in or who paid for it and who has paid most of the bills.? What the traditional legal model doesn’t consider is the things that are important to the pet or the pet owner.
This article aims to give some tips to pet owners not about the standard legal approach, but about the things that are actually important to consider for the animal’s welfare which may be different to the owner’s needs or wants.? Just as owners often need to make really difficult end of life decisions for their pet in the same way, difficult decisions may need to be made post-separation too.
While this article will focus on considerations for dogs in particular, the same concepts would apply in differing ways, to other animals.
Top Ten pet considerations for separating couples
Separation can bring out the worst in people, especially if there is a long-drawn-out period between separation and sorting out the assets etc.? Decide what will happen to your pet early in the process so it doesn’t get used as a bargaining chip to help someone get something else, they want in the property settlement;
Except in the most acrimonious of cases, it is highly recommended to endeavour to resolve your issues through mediation rather than heading to court.? The mediation process is far more likely than the court process to be able to help both parties bring to the fore the needs of their animal, and to consider what is important rather than just the clinical legal position.
Jane is a proud parent to two little fluffy dogs. She is a partner and co-founder of Umbrella Family Law, the first firm in Australia to have all of its lawyers trained by Karis Nafte, international expert on pet custody.
This article was featured in the Paws Magazine. To view the article, click here.
Contact us to make a time to meet with one of our team of dog loving lawyers to discuss what will be in the best interests of your beloved furry friend and to talk about ways to help you reach a positive outcome not only in relation to your pet, but with regard to all aspects of life post-separation.