What was happening on the scene in July
Hey, Excalidraw fans! ??
July has been a month of deep focus as our team worked hard to bring you something big (more on that below). As we move into August, let's look back at some of the key highlights from July! ??
Dev+Product Edition: It’s all about the (Excali)fonts!
In July, our team focused intensively on one major feature that we've been eagerly anticipating: the release of our new fonts, including the brand-new Excalifont.
?? Excalifont(s)
In our previous newsletter, we teased the development of new fonts, which we released a few days ago! But that's not all. We’ve occasionally received feedback that our flagship font, Virgil, wasn’t always as readable as you'd need. In response, we’ve refined it, and the result is the new Excalifont. Try it out in our free editor or Excalidraw+, and let us know what you think!
You don't have to worry about losing what you've created so far – backward compatibility ensures that scenes with the old fonts will still display correctly. If your scene includes any of the previous fonts, these will remain available in the font picker.
Plus, if you’re an Excalidraw+ member, you can toggle a setting to always show the old fonts in the font picker (this feature is automatically enabled for existing customers).
We've also started embedding fonts inside SVGs, ensuring they render correctly on platforms like GitHub and Notion, when previewing on macOS, and in other applications.
?? Elbow Arrows
Although this feature was officially announced on our socials at the beginning of August, it was actually completed at the end of July. But we wanted to make some last-minute tweaks to ensure the best possible experience. We're excited to introduce this new feature because we believe it will enhance your diagramming experience A LOT. Stay tuned for even more exciting updates related to elbow arrows in the future!
To create elbow arrows, simply select the arrow tool and switch the arrow type from the properties panel. ??
Social Media Edition: Highlighting community creations and helping you master your drawings
Let’s now dive into the highlights that happened on social media in July!
?? #SharingIsCaring
Last month, we decided to spotlight how our team members use Excalidraw not just for work, but also for personal projects. For instance, Gabi from our team created a detailed floor plan of her apartment using Excalidraw. This one-time showcase highlighted the versatility of Excalidraw for both professional and personal use.
We were also happy to see how this inspiration led you to share your creations with us. We discovered that Filippo Hellies is also using Excalidraw for designing experimental studies and art, which left us amazed!
?? New Video on YouTube
In July, we released a new video about '5 Tips & Tricks for drawings in Excalidraw that STAND OUT' along with some shorts. Check out the latest video here ??
Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss any of our new content!
Question of the Month
?? I updated the billing information in my E+ account, but I still see the old info on my invoice. Can you change it?
Once an invoice is created by our system (upon renewal), it cannot be changed due to system and accounting constraints. Even if you update your billing information before the payment is processed, if this update happens after the invoice is created, the old details will remain on that invoice, and the new data will be used on the next invoice.
That’s why we recommend all Excalidraw+ customers carefully review what they’ve entered during the checkout process and check the information in the Workspace settings -> Billing information to ensure your invoices contain the correct billing details.
That wraps up this month’s updates! We hope you enjoyed the latest features and insights. Don’t forget to subscribe so you can stay updated with all our future news and releases. ??
Thank you for being such a valued member of our community. See you next time!
Excalidraw Team