What is Happening to our Boys?
Jason Jackson
Global Leader & Strategist | Social Impact Multiplier | MBA, MSc Business Intelligence
What is Happening to our Boys?
Are suicides and drug overdoses acceptable in American society? Men account for three-quarters. The ingredients of their despair? Social isolation and emotional disconnection. This doesn't happen overnight; no one in our society should suffer alone like that.
Who is raising our boys? What are their values? Are careers, hobbies, vices, and superfluous activities prioritized over our boys' development?
The research is clear - societal trade-offs have failed miserably. The rising tide isn't lifting all boats.
It's time to listen to our boys truly. Hear, understand, and validate the lived experiences of our boys. Pour in our wisdom, love, compassion, and mentorship into our sons, brothers, nephews, cousins, fathers, uncles, and grandfathers.
Drown out the siren's call of your indulgences. Hear the call of his voice.
If society doesn't value boys being left behind, then why is society accepting the system's repeatedly bad results? Know. Your. Values.
To see the future men, look to the boys of today. Are they ready for what tomorrow brings? If not, when will you step up? Drown out the siren's call of your indulgences. Hear the call of his voice.
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