What is Happening in Hong Kong Right Now?
This is a quick piece a dear friend has circulated to me and I've also posted it on my personal Facebook page yesterday. Thought it’s worth sharing here as well. It gives a macro perspective on how Hong Kong got to where we are today. It’s a build-up of decisions or even the lack of them. What is happening in HK is not anyone’s responsibility but our own. We let opportunities slip because we thought we are better and too good for them when our economy was great with real estate/ financial service industries. Because of our ego, we stayed stagnate while others are working extremely hard and taking those opportunities. The most heart-breaking part of all of this is that we have become extremely replaceable and irrelevant to the global markets and yet, we are too afraid to come to that truth and resolve this while we still have the window of opportunities. We chose to be petty, small and egotistic cowards.
With that said, Hong Kong is still very safe, filled with people who are genuine, kind, generous, positive, caring, loving, compassionate embodying our Chinese spirit and culture. Please try not to trust everything that you are watching and reading, as those incidents have happened but it’s a minuscule part and not a full representation of Hong Kong.
I’m still genuinely optimistic about our city. The sun is still rising from the east every morning, people are still going to work on time, people are still celebrating births and birthdays, people are still getting their morning coffees/ yum cha gossips , people are still offering their seats to the elderly...the list goes on. So, come through! (Text above is just my own opinion.)
[Original text is in Chinese. The English translation is by Google Translate.]
以下一篇文章,雖不盡亦可暴露出部分香港的問題 : The following article, although not exhaustive, can also reveal some of Hong Kong's problems:
香港九七回歸,梁某有幸與剛上任的特首董建華見面,聆聽過他 的香港發展計劃,深受感動。董先生是有心人,港人卻視作「老懞懂」,奈何?When Hong Kong returned to 1997, Liang was fortunate to meet with the newly appointed Chief Executive Tung Chee-Hwa and listened to his Hong Kong development plan. He was deeply touched. Mr Tung is a caring person. The people of Hong Kong are regarded as "old and understandable". Why?
“香港怎麼了?這顆曾經是世界上最亮的東方之珠怎麼了?"What happened to Hong Kong? How was this the brightest oriental pearl in the world?"
香港的跌落凡塵是歷史的必然。The fall of Hong Kong is a historical necessity.
我們仔細想一下,香港的黃金時代是什麼時間?Let us think about it carefully. What is the golden age of Hong Kong?
就是49年-99年這黃金50年。It is the golden 50 years from 49 years to 99 years.
●1949年,大陸解放。來自上海等地的舊社會資本家大批湧入香港,為香港注入資本、勞動力,這是香港騰飛的基礎。In 1949, the mainland was liberated. Old social capitalists from Shanghai and other places flooded into Hong Kong and injected capital and labor into Hong Kong. This is the basis for Hong Kong's take-off.
●50-60年代,西方開始封鎖中國。香港成為中國通往西方世界的唯一通道,香港成為大陸的另一個「廣州十三行」。In the 1950s and 1960s, the West began to block China. Hong Kong has become China's only gateway to the Western world. Hong Kong has become another "Guangzhou 13th Line" of the mainland.
●60-70年代,日本、德國的產業開始轉移,香港以廉價勞動力和資本基礎,承接了大量的產業轉移,香港的製造業基礎這就有了。In the 1960s and 1970s, the industries of Japan and Germany began to shift. Hong Kong took on a large number of industrial transfers with cheap labor and capital base. The manufacturing base of Hong Kong has this.
●70年代之後,大陸大批量引進西方成套技術設備,這些技術設備全部通過香港轉口,天量的轉口貿易和配套的金融體系,讓香港迎來了最為黃金的10年發展期,奠定了香港成為世界級港口和世界級金融中心的基礎。After the 1970s, the mainland introduced a large number of Western technology and equipment in large quantities. All these technical equipments were re-exported through Hong Kong. The volume of entrepot trade and supporting financial system made Hong Kong ushered in the most golden 10-year development period and laid the foundation for Hong Kong. The foundation of the port and world-class financial center.
這50年,香港背靠大陸這個天量的需求腹地,In the past 50 years, Hong Kong has been backed by the mainland’s demanding hinterland.
是「唯一窗口」、Is the "only window",
是「製造業中心」、Is a "manufacturing center"
是「轉口貿易中心」、It is a "re-export trade center",
是「金融中心」。It is a "financial center."
對,還是文化中心!Yes, it is still a cultural center!
香港的黃金50年,是大陸封閉落後的50年,內地的跌宕史,恰恰就是香港的發家史。這50年,大陸之不幸,塑造了香港之大幸。The 50 years of gold in Hong Kong is a 50-year period in which the mainland is closed. The history of the ups and downs in the mainland is precisely the history of Hong Kong. In the past 50 years, the unfortunateness of the mainland has shaped the great fortunes of Hong Kong.
但大陸全面推進改革開放之後,原有的世界秩序瞬間摧毀了。However, after the mainland comprehensively promoted reform and opening up, the original world order was instantly destroyed.
製造業先逃跑。從香港跑到了土地、人力、管理(環保)、稅費等各項成本更低的廣東、福建東南沿海。The manufacturing industry fled first. From Hong Kong to the southeast coast of Guangdong and Fujian, where land, manpower, management (environmental protection), taxes and fees are lower.
轉口貿易緊隨其後。中國加入WTO,上海、寧波、天津、廣州、大連等大型港口集體發力,全球來往貨櫃直接在內地靠岸。The entrepot trade is close behind. China has joined the WTO, and large ports such as Shanghai, Ningbo, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Dalian have collectively exerted their strength. The global containers have been directly docked in the Mainland.
再然後是金融中心。香港的金融崛起的背後是物流中心、是轉口貿易、是龐大大陸市場的唯一出口。但如今,物流中心分散了、轉口貿易轉移了,上海自貿區出現了…… Then there is the financial center. Behind the financial rise of Hong Kong is the logistics center, the entrepot trade, and the only export to the huge mainland market. But now, the logistics center has been dispersed, and the entrepot trade has shifted. The Shanghai Free Trade Zone has emerged...
香港萎靡的10年,是大陸崛起的10年。香港的經濟問題不在香港,而在大陸。The decade of Hong Kong’s sluggishness is the decade of the rise of the mainland. Hong Kong’s economic problems are not in Hong Kong but in the mainland.
不是香港不行了,而是大陸變得太行了!香港沉沒是歷史必然!It’s not that Hong Kong can’t, but the mainland has become too much! The sinking of Hong Kong is a historical necessity!
香港不是沒有機會,而是錯過了太多機會. Hong Kong is not without opportunities but misses too many opportunities.
千禧年交接,在製造業、轉口貿易出現轉移傾向之時,香港也曾提出若干個轉型計劃。In the millennium, when there was a shift in manufacturing and entrepot trade, Hong Kong also proposed several transformation plans.
1999年,董建華擬定「數碼港」計劃,要發展互聯網科技。In 1999, Tung Chee-hwa proposed the "Digital Cyberport" project to develop Internet technology.
我們站在那個節點,俯瞰世界,谷歌也就剛在加州的私家車庫里誕生,遠沒上市,Facebook、推特的影子在哪還不知道;國內的阿里、騰訊還都是10人的小團伙;馬雲還不是「爸爸」,還只是長相奇醜的小伙子。We stand at that node and overlook the world. Google is just born in a private garage in California. It is far from being listed. The shadow of Facebook and Twitter is still unknown. The domestic Ali and Tencent are also small gangs of 10 people. Ma Yun is not a "dad", it is just an ugly young man.
當時的香港,軟件、技術、人才、資本,哪個方面不能秒殺大陸?At that time, Hong Kong, software, technology, talent, capital, which aspect can not kill the mainland?
結果,互聯網沒做起來,數碼港被搞成了房地產開發。As a result, the Internet was not done, and the Cyberport was turned into real estate development.
後來,董又提出「矽港」計劃。台積電出來的張汝京想在香港搞芯片製造,香港人以「炒地皮、炒樓價」的由頭堅決反對,又搞遊行。結果,上海把張汝京請走,在上海搞了個中芯國際。現在是中國最大、世界第四的芯片製造商。Later, Dong proposed the "Dangang" plan. Zhang Yijing, who came out of TSMC, wanted to make chip manufacturing in Hong Kong. The people of Hong Kong resolutely opposed it by "speculating the land and speculating the price of the property" and engaged in a parade. As a result, Shanghai invited Zhang Yujing to take a SMIC in Shanghai. It is now the largest chip manufacturer in China and the fourth in the world.
再後來,董再次提出「中藥港」計劃。因為香港既有積澱深厚的科研體系,還有龐大的生物科研人員,最重要的還有全世界都認可的質檢體系。這就是產學研一體啊,多好的條件。但是,再次因為資本的短視,又沒搞起來。Later, Dong once again proposed the "Chinese Medicine Port" plan. Because Hong Kong has a deep scientific research system, as well as a large number of biological researchers, the most important is the quality inspection system recognized by the whole world. This is the combination of production, education and research. However, again because of the short-sightedness of capital, it has not been done.
結果,河對岸的深圳出現了華大基因,又成為全球一流的基因、生物科研企業。As a result, the Huada Gene appeared in Shenzhen across the river, and it has become a world-class genetic and biological research enterprise.
99年到05年,如果香港抓住這三次機會,香港就是亞洲互聯網中心、芯片製造中心、生物科研中心。From 1999 to 2005, if Hong Kong seizes these three opportunities, Hong Kong is the Asian Internet center, chip manufacturing center and biological research center.
那些年,香港去忙啥了?In those years, Hong Kong was busy?
經濟脫實向虛,掉頭轉向「金融業、地產業、服務業」。把資本炒到天上,把房子炒成天價。所謂的自由金融貿易港,帶來了大量的熱錢過境,這些資本熱錢把經濟炒成了虛胖。The economy has become weak and turned to "financial, real estate, and service industries." Stir the capital into the sky and stir the house into a sky-high price. The so-called free financial trading port has brought a lot of hot money to cross the border. These capital hot money have made the economy puffy.
階層接近固化,年輕人沒有出路,充滿戾氣。金融、地產這兩項,無論哪個都不是初入社會的年輕人能玩兒的,出頭無路、創業無門,年輕人就一股腦跑到大街上,把戾氣宣洩給曾經的「窮親戚」中國大陸。The class is close to solidification, and the young people have no way out and are full of anger. Finance and real estate, no matter which one is not young people who are new to the society can play, there is no way to go, no way to start a business, young people will run to the streets and vent their anger to the former "poor relatives" China Mainland.
時至今日,香港經濟的宿敵就在香港內部,就在那些金融寡頭之間。Today, the enemy of the Hong Kong economy is inside Hong Kong, between those financial oligarchs.
金融的暴利成就了香港,也慣壞了香港。資本的短視和逐利,讓香港錯過了最好的10年。The financial profits have made Hong Kong a reality and have spoiled Hong Kong. The short-sightedness and profit-seeking of capital have made Hong Kong miss the best 10 years.
深圳的崛起,首先要感謝的是政策,其次就是香港。The rise of Shenzhen, the first thing to thank is the policy, followed by Hong Kong.
80年代,以深圳為代表的廣東沿海,承接了大量來自香港的製造業轉移。很快,深圳完成了原始的財富積累。In the 1980s, the coastal area of Guangdong, represented by Shenzhen, undertook a large number of manufacturing shifts from Hong Kong. Soon, Shenzhen completed the original accumulation of wealth.
但好日子很快過去,2000年之後,製造業又找到了更優質的轉移地——以越南為代表的東南亞國家。But the good days have passed quickly. After 2000, the manufacturing industry has found a better transfer place - a Southeast Asian country represented by Vietnam.
但深圳很快憑借製造業轉移的原始財富積累,找到了一條屬於自己的路——科研創新、產業升級、中國硅谷。However, Shenzhen quickly found its own path based on the accumulation of raw wealth transferred by the manufacturing industry - scientific research and innovation, industrial upgrading, China's Silicon Valley.
那些年香港錯過了互聯網、基因生物、智能製造、轉運物流,都被河對岸的那個小漁村撿了起來。In those years, Hong Kong missed the Internet, genetic biology, intelligent manufacturing, and transshipment logistics, all of which were smashed by the small fishing village on the other side of the river.
於是成就了一大批群星璀璨的企業—So a lot of stars have been made -
● 有市值近2800億美元,4萬名員工的互聯網企業騰訊; Tencent Internet company with a market value of nearly 280 billion US dollars and 40,000 employees;
● 有營收5000億人民幣,17萬名員工的科技公司華為;Huawei, a technology company with revenue of 500 billion yuan and 170,000 employees
● 有市值700億,全球一流的基因生物公司華大基因;There is a market value of 70 billion, the world's leading genetic biotechnology company Huada Gene;
● 有市值1700億,22萬名員工的汽車製造商比亞迪;BYD, a car manufacturer with a market value of 170 billion and 220,000 employees
還有市值3000億,擁有34萬名員工,14架貨機,16000台運輸車輛,12000個營業網點的巨無霸物流企業順豐速運……There is also a market value of 300 billion, with 340,000 employees, 14 freighters, 16,000 transport vehicles, 12,000 business outlets of the giant logistics company SF Express...
甚至在老港玩兒得666的金融和房地產行業,深圳也在奮起直追,平安、萬科、招商……Even in the financial and real estate industry in Old Port, which is 666, Shenzhen is also catching up, Ping An, Vanke, and Merchants...
一個香港科技大學的畢業生,9年後把產品做到全球70%以上的份額。對,這家公司就是大疆。更值得玩味的是,這家公司在深圳,而不是在香港。A graduate of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, after 9 years, has achieved a product share of more than 70% of the world. Yes, this company is Dajiang. Even more interesting is that this company is in Shenzhen, not in Hong Kong.
深圳通過高速、高鐵網絡已經把東莞、惠州、香港、廣州、佛山、中山、珠海串聯成一個城市平台,這是一個巨無霸的經濟集群,這一個未來可以媲美舊金山、東京的世界級大灣區。Through high-speed and high-speed rail networks, Shenzhen has connected Dongguan, Huizhou, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhongshan and Zhuhai into a city platform. This is a giant economic cluster. This future can rival the world-class Grand Bay in San Francisco and Tokyo. Area.
深圳是研發中心、總部基地;東莞憑借全世界最成熟的產業工人,是製造中心;中山和惠州是零部件採購中心;廣州是分銷中心;鹽田港是貨櫃中心……Shenzhen is a research and development center and a headquarters base; Dongguan is the manufacturing center with the most mature industrial workers in the world; Zhongshan and Huizhou are parts procurement centers; Guangzhou is a distribution center; Yantian Port is a container center...
留給香港的只剩下上市融資中心,但卻不是唯一選擇,上海、深圳都可以替代!Only the listed financing center is left for Hong Kong, but it is not the only choice. Shanghai and Shenzhen can be replaced!
而河對岸的香港呢?What about Hong Kong on the other side of the river?
「民主」把自己塑造成孤立的金鐘罩,然後望著日漸崛起的河對岸那個小漁村,開始驚恐,之後愚蠢,怪政府、怪特首、怪李家、怪回歸,覺得這一切都是別人的錯。"Democracy" shaped itself into an isolated golden bell, and then looked at the small fishing village on the other side of the rising river, began to panic, then stupid, strange government, strange chief executive, strange Li family, strange return, I feel that all this is others' fault.
放著70萬億的龐大市場不做,卻走上街頭,玩兒起了「政治正確」。真是既可憐又作大死啊!Putting a huge market of 70 trillion yuan, but taking the streets, playing "politically correct." It’s both pitiful and big death!
昔日封閉愚昧的大陸,變得開放、包容;昔日開放自由的香港,變得愚昧、封閉。The formerly closed ignorant continent has become open and inclusive; Hong Kong, which was open to freedom in the past, has become ignorant and closed.
短短幾十年,歷史給我們開了一個最大的玩笑。In just a few decades, history has given us the biggest joke.
香港人睡醒未??Are Hong Kong people awake? ?
衛民評論 Weimin Review
董建華上台後,管治香港的工作實際上是被當時的政務司長陳方安生架空,而董建華的作風是「 議而不決 決而不行」,連由香港政府的【香港電台】每日廣播都不是宣傳政府的政策,而是每日譏諷嘲笑董建華,及香港無民主。而【香港電台】在港英時代,從未譏諷嘲笑過曆任港督,及香港無民主,而中國提出收回香港前,香港根本無民主。After Tung Chee-hwa took office, the work of governing Hong Kong was actually carried out by the then Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs Anson Chan, and Tung Chee-hwa’s style was "not resolved without a decision". Even the Hong Kong Government's Radio Television Hong Kong broadcasts daily. They are not propagating the government's policies, but ridiculing Tung Chee-hwa on a daily basis and Hong Kong without democracy. In the Hong Kong British era, Hong Kong Radio has never ridiculed the past governors and Hong Kong has no democracy. Before China proposed to take back Hong Kong, Hong Kong had no democracy at all.
在陳方安生架空,董建華的大計【數碼港】當然由資訊科技及广播局首任局长鄺其志負責,當時的財政司長曾蔭權直接插手,將項目變成【貝沙灣 數碼港】項目,成為地産項目爲主的官商勾結項目。 鄺其志從此離開政府,離開政府後都被曾陰權趕絕!On the overhead of Mrs Chan, Tung Chee-hwa’s plan [Digital Cyberport] was of course the responsibility of the first Secretary of the Information Technology and Broadcasting Bureau, Mr Kwong Chi-chi, who then directly intervened to turn the project into a project in Besang Wan Cyberport. Project-based collusion projects. Since then, he has left the government and has been ousted by Zeng Yin since he left the government!
香港的另一大問題是母語教育 Another major issue in Hong Kong is mother-tongue education.
“借錢梗要還 未俾錢中介" "If you borrow money, you have to pay for the intermediary."
這是香港政府規定銀行及貸款公司賣廣告時必須要出現的字句。"If you borrow money, you have to pay for the intermediary."
這是香港的中文教育語文,中國開放後,外資在香港設立總部或分公司,進入及指染中國市場,香港青年的母語中文成為最大的障礙,口講爛國語,寫中文宣傳廣告、市場調查報告、可行性報告。香港人所寫的報告,大陸人看不明、懂中文的外國人看不明,連台灣人亦都看不明。更莫講要香港人寫中文的【合約】或【合作計劃書】。This is the Chinese language of education in Hong Kong. After China's opening up, foreign investors set up headquarters or branches in Hong Kong to enter and refer to the Chinese market. The mother tongue of Hong Kong youth has become the biggest obstacle. It speaks rotten Mandarin, writes Chinese advertising, and market research. Report, feasibility report. The reports written by Hong Kong people are unclear to the mainlanders who do not understand and understand Chinese. Even Taiwanese are unclear. It is even more important to ask Hong Kong people to write Chinese contracts or [cooperation plans].
外國公司在香港要進入大陸市場,聘請員工,大多會請在外國留學的大陸青年,或在香港讀大學的大陸青年,亦不會請衹會母語中文的香港青年。Foreign companies in Hong Kong want to enter the mainland market and hire employees. Most of the mainland youth who are studying abroad, or mainland Chinese who are studying in Hong Kong, will not invite Hong Kong youth who are only native speakers of Chinese.
大陸在港的金融公司, 寧願付出高昂的房屋津貼及薪金,都要請沒有港股經驗的大陸人來港從事港股工作,也不請有港股經驗薪金低的香港青年。香港青年比不上大陸青年,香港青年難以接受。Mainland financial companies in Hong Kong prefer to pay high housing allowances and salaries. They must invite mainlanders who do not have experience in Hong Kong stocks to come to Hong Kong to work in Hong Kong stocks. Nor do they want Hong Kong youths with low Hong Kong stocks to experience low salaries. Hong Kong youth cannot compare with mainland youth, and Hong Kong youth are hard to accept.
母語教育助長香港教師及青年一代的“港獨”思想的根源。Mother tongue education has contributed to the roots of the "Hong Kong independence" thinking of Hong Kong teachers and the younger generation.