What Happened to LinkedIn as Our Safe Business Space? (No Politics)
Timothy Williams
Managing Director, Special Assets & Situations, Workout, Turnaround & Restructuring, Board Member & Advisor
With another election season upon us, it’s no surprise that politics will influence the business world. But lately, LinkedIn—a platform once dedicated to professional networking—seems to be absorbing more and more personal political expression, creating a new challenge for those seeking a business-focused environment.
This week, my grandson asked how he could block the political ads popping up on his YouTube Shorts feed. I explained that we couldn’t stop them entirely. He walked away disappointed, and cursing each politician by name. Part of me was both shocked and proud—this 10-year-old knows candidates from presidential hopefuls down to local council members. Yet, I was also saddened. Even a child now finds it hard to avoid the intense political landscape that surrounds us. Civic engagement for young people is positive, and I’m a strong supporter of it (I hope they will bring back the government civics class we took in 11th grade). But when a child struggles to find a neutral space, it raises broader concerns about the environment we’ve created.
For many of us, LinkedIn was that neutral ground—a place to share professional milestones, network, and collaborate. But over the last few months, I’ve noticed more personal political views creeping into my feed. While I’m a full advocate of civic engagement, I had hoped LinkedIn could remain an escape from the constant swirl of vitriolic?opinions.
Of course, I respect everyone’s right to their own views and encourage thoughtful, well-researched perspectives. Considering that we have lost so many other places where we can no longer escape politics, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, myspace (I am old), the News (all channels), Twitter or X now, dinner with friends, and dinner with family, I hoped LinkedIn could remain the last bastion true business-oriented space. Alas, it is not to be.
As I don’t have a solution, I find myself echoing the much wiser acceptance of my 10-year-old grandson—disappointed, yet adapting (with a few real curse words included).
Here’s my one and only political post. (on Linkedin)
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