What happened to Jesus can happen to you
Jayadeva de Silva (SriLanka)

What happened to Jesus can happen to you

I want to share with you something potentially?life-changing?…

But first, let me ask an important question that will help you understand how this is going to work for you:

Isn’t it strange how so many of our traditions have lost their meaning?

Dinner with the family used to be a time to connect with our loved ones?…

Now we disconnect from each other and connect to our screens.

Strength and Stoicism used to be virtues?…

Now even the American??Psychiatric Association says that's "toxic masculinity."

And Easter used to be a time to celebrate the resurrection of a man?…

Now we celebrate the consumption of chocolate!

Now hold up?…

If you think I’m about to launch into a religious sermon, don’t worry.

I don’t know whether Christianity is your bag or not.??I’ve got love for ya either way.

The message I’m about to share is?important to?all?of us.??Whatever our individual opinion on Jesus.

So the story goes …

  • A man performed miracles
  • To show our thanks for his great deeds, we crucified him
  • Three days later he rose from the dead
  • His life is now the foundation of the biggest religion in the world

Again, I’m not going to comment on the theological significance of this.??Heck, even different forms of Christianity have different opinions on the meaning of Jesus and what it means to be a good Christian.

What I’d like to comment on is?a universal, and dare I say never-discussed, interpretation.

(Ha - if I may be so bold.??Some theologians will call me a “blasphemer” for daring to find my own meaning.??Hmmm … if the folks who hold that view believe in God - I wonder why they think they have the authority to tell me how to interpret God's word.??Anyway …)

I shall stop beating around the burning bush and say what I came here to say:?

I know?you?have been crucified for your good deeds,

“What???Do you have a spy cam in my house?”?

Haha - no.??I have a spy cam on humanity.

This is something we have all experienced.??

And this is where most of our stories end.

We live.

We try hard.

We get punished for our good deeds.

We lose faith.

The End.

But does it have to be this way?

Well, no …

See … some of us??

We rise!

The world murders us … but we are resurrected.

(Spoiler:??Jesus wouldn’t have founded the biggest religion in the world if his story ended with the crucifixion.?Get it?)

How is this possible???

How do these people rise?

Honestly, I don’t know.??Like Jesus’s resurrection, it’s one of the great mysteries.

But I have a clue …?

Sometimes?you just need to be touched by something.??

It could be a person who whispers the perfect words into your ear during your deepest moment of darkness …

It could be a story that speaks to you as if the author could read the writing on your soul …

It could be … well, anything.??(Even a random email from a dude on the Internet who has the audacity to suggest you can be more than the dream-murderers would have you be.)

Whatever it is …

… you have to?seize that moment and?rise!

Are you feeling a bit of that now?

Even a little?

Go ahead.??No one is looking :)

Got it???

Good.??Now fan it!

(Even the greatest fire can begin with a mere spark.)




