What Happened To Compassion?
Nat Barouch
I’ve used positive affirmations and the power of the mind to get whatever I wanted in life long before I understood why it works. Now I’m sharing my concepts with you in my book, and my Positive Podcast.
Now this might make me sound old... but back in my day, people respected each other more. We were all allowed to have our own opinion without fear. We cared about other people and the environment. I don't recall ever being afraid of retaliation for expressing my opinion on something. I may have been laughed at or mocked but never threatened with incarceration or physical harm.
Sure there were bad actors but they were not spotlighted and praised for the things they did. It seem like now, in this disposable world we live in, the instant gratification, that 15 minutes of fame is more important to the majority of the population than ever before. The morals and values of our parents and grandparents are all but gone.
The tech, although it is amazing, is taking away everything it means to be human. We would rather text someone than actually talk to them. We would rather email someone rather than call them. The human interactivity, the physical bond we need as humans is being stripped away.
The only way to get it back is to start being a Humane Human. we, as individuals, must change ourselves. We can’t expect the change peoples minds with mere words, it takes action. The old phrase “lead by example” has never been more important than it is today.
All we can do is live our best life. Find your joy. Do what makes you happy and let others do the same. This is one of the main topics on my podcast. Please check it out and together we can change the world.