What happened in class stayed in class!...but not anymore
mohana kelkar
Head Of Sales/business development GIIS Dubai | Managing Director and Founder at MonAcademix Educational
April 2nd 2019, "Hey Amit let's go ...the school bus will be here any moment now. Have you packed your bag properly? did you take all the books? Oh! that project that I made for you, it was in the kitchen, over the cabinet".
Amit ..yes maaa!!
Its 4 and Amit's home from school, Mom: "Heyyy how was your day!!?? What did you do in school!??
Amit: "The same old things nothing interesting".
Cut 2 : April 2020, "Hey Amit, good morning!! oh!! you're all ready for the classes....
Amit's mom keeps peeping every 15 minutes to check on the class. what is happening, how is the teacher teaching? is Amit learning or is he even listening??? To her amazement Amit did not even realize that his mom was on surveillance. The teacher had planned well to connect with the class first, had a casual conversation and made notes of what interested the children, learning styles, many aspects to how the teacher would approach learning. The kids seemed to know much more about technology than her and she had decided to involve them in planning too. Amit's mom is astonished to see that at the end of the day she had seen so much going on in the class. Amit had so much to talk about his mates and the interesting and new things they discussed. She reflected back on the questions she had asked Amit in 2019. The doubts she had when Amit did not share what went on in school. Amit was now unstoppable. He had so much to share with his mum about novel ideas and changed ways of learning. Amit's mom was understanding and witnessing the preparation his teacher did, the questions she prepared during and at the end of the lesson, reflection time and loads more. She was witness to the pedagogy. Pedagogy had reached the living rooms and she was witness to it. she definitely knew for sure what they did last April. She takes a sip of tea and a sigh of relief. There was no doubt left in her mind. Amit's mom thanked the teacher for all that she did!