What happened between Apogeo and Innospace?

What happened between Apogeo and Innospace?

A Multi-Unit Launch Agreement with Innospace

In the ever-expanding realm of space technology, partnerships are crucial for boosting innovative projects.

So, we’re thrilled to announce a significant agreement with Korean company Innospace, to manage multi-unit launches of our IoT picosatellites constellations.

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What else?

Guido Parissenti at Lario Space 2024...

Our CEO Guido Parissenti was keynote speaker at LarioSpace 2024 on April 24th.

An opportunity to showcase Apogeo Space and all the latest news and innovations in the realm of technology and innovation.

... and at MAM 2024

On March 22nd, our CEO also spoke at the Business Beyond the Horizon panel during the MAM - Mediterranean Aerospace Matching 2024 event.

The state of Italy's aerospace industry, the space economy, and ongoing innovations were interesting topics for discussion.

Apogeo Space partner of Internet of Things Observatory of the School of Management

Apogeo Space was proud to partner with two major events in Milan, organized by the Internet of Things Observatory of the School of Management at Politecnico di Milano. ?

Notte prima degli esami: Internet of Things alla prova di maturità and Industrial IoT: la nuova fabbrica 4.0, tra AI e nuovi modelli di business.

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Contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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