What habits do you have?
‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is then not an act, but a habit.’- Aristotle
Presently, wherever you are or whatever you are in life, is mostly because of your habits.
Think of your daily routine habits and you will understand how these habits, good or bad, created your present.
There is nobody responsible for your status of health, wealth, relationship, and existing life situations, but you, you created this life through your habits.
?These habits brought you in the direction of either right or wrong…
So just pen down your habits, which helped you in your achievements and which didn’t.
Habits that take you to
Right direction
Wrong direction (?) you can mark your habits here if you have
Waking up early
Doing exercise
Eating healthy
Writing daily goals
Making a list for the day
No junk foods
Less screen time: mobile TV
No newspapers
Reading a lot
Making new friends
Listen to others
No anger
Appreciate others
Setting goals
Come out of comfort zone
Imperfectly progressing
Less sweets
Eye to eye contact
Rewarding yourself
Love yourself
Don’t wait for the right time
Now you may have some other habits too. Which takes you to either direction. You may just note down these habits and see which you can change, replace or build.
Lets think upon one by one…
1.?Waking up early……
This one will definitely make you uncomfortable, most of you want to enjoy early morning sleep.
Just think, you are waking up at 7.00 am and one of your friends starts his day by 4.00 am. What happens there? Every day, he will get three hours more to live. In a year he will get 365 x 3 = 1095 hrs, which means he will get 45 days to live more.?
Now, if you look at his life, you will get to know, why he is more healthy, wealthy, and more successful than you and others, who wake up late. What do you think who is enjoying….?
2.?Doing daily exercise………
Now, everybody knew the importance of daily exercise. If you want to be healthy, disease free, and successful in your life, then exercise has a huge role…it improves your productivity, and your mood, reduces anger and gives you new heights in life.
3.?Eating healthy…….
Now, everyone is busy and rapidly we are proceeding toward kitchen-less homes. Rather, outing and taking food from hotels and restaurants became prestigious. Most of the time, we used to take vada-pav, pizza, or samosa as a morning breakfast while commuting to the office or our daily workspace. Taking tea or soft drinks in the office or during breaks became a habit. But it ruins your gut. And many diseases start from the gut. Whether this outside stuff is nutritious? We never think of this. It may taste good, it may fill your stomach and make you fulfilled in the short run, but it may create long-term problems for your health. It kills your economy through hospitals, decreases your productivity, and helps you to become obese or overweight. So what do you want, ?health or disease? The choice is yours.
4.?Writing daily goals….
Making a goal is easy but achieving it is difficult (depending on your habits). Everyone has a goal. Most of us in our teenage had huge goals in our minds. But are they achieved or you forgot them somewhere? Some of you may not remember even the teenager's goals. Why? Because they just created these goals in their mind and never followed or took action on them. How will they take action? As they do even not recall them now. We used to make our goals on the new year as it is the resolution day for many of not doers. And used to quit within a few days. You will observe gyms are full on the 1st of January every year, as many have made a goal of bodybuilding. But what happens the very next day, after a week, or in the month of February? You will see 50% of the people who were present on 1st January. After 3 months only 5-10%. Because they just made a resolution and have not taken any action and are deficient in actions. Many successful persons write their goals daily, morning and evening. And follow them. Writing daily goals gets registered in your subconscious mind and your mind will get programmed and takes action. It becomes a habit. And there, is no need to make a resolution on a particular day, because winners make every day a resolution day by writing their goals and programming their minds…
5.?Making a list for the day………
Successful people organize their day, as soon as they wake up, they make a list of the work to be accomplished throughout the day. If you are not creating your list, you will not understand, what to do. Daily successful peoples follow their dreams through them to-do lists. So that they do not forget things. Most of the time you're doing some of the work like electricity bills, phone bills, gas cylinders, important phone calls, checking emails, replying to important emails, school fees, car PUC, insurance, and many more you used to forget them very often. And then you may face the music like power cuts, fines, additional charges and you have to pay the additional cost because you hadn’t created your to-do list. So become organized create your to-do list now, daily, weekly, monthly, and grow in life.
6.?No junk foods…….
Everybody knew the benefits of junk food. To whom it is benefitted? Doctors? Hospitals?... junk food... they are prepared in such a way that you can’t avoid them. They inhibit the other taste and make you eat more and more. Definitely, it will make you more and more overweight. It will help you to destroy your body shape, gives you love handles, nice protruding abdomen over your pants. Will you love such a body? Definitely no… so skip the junk food… and avoid health problems… love yourself.
7.?Less screen time: mobile TV……
During the last 10-12 years everybody has had a new organ. Yes, your mobile. Nowadays it's impossible to live without a mobile. It is used for communication primarily. But mobile has replaced everything in the current world. It replaced wristwatches, it replaced cameras, it replaced calendars, almost replaced, televisions, laptops, and computers. It replaced many physical things and made everyone digital. It is making our life easier. But on the other side, it is used for entertainment for long hours like social media, YouTube, Facebook, reels, Netflix, and much more. Those who are using this tool wisely and making their life easier are growing in their life. But, most people spend hours and hours on mobile and watching silly things, which is of no use, makes us less productive. Similarly, television, useless ads, and nonsense negative news fill your mind with garbage. Do you have really any concerns regarding nonsense news and events going on in the world? No. So in order to grow in life use these devices carefully. Don’t consume useless content. Avoid much screen time, and be productive.
8.?No newspapers……..
Nowadays, news papers are not having any quality news either they are day-old news. What is the use of old news? Will it make you grow in life? Ask yourself and decide whether can you avoid such news.
9.?Reading a lot……
It is said that successful people read a lot. They read a lot of books nearly 60-100 books a year. Reading a book gives more ideas and more perspective to grow in life. There are 100s and 1000s of books in the market. Many books are written on self-help, motivation, inspiration, nutrition, health, and academic books. It improves your knowledge. Makes you more fulfilled. Successful persons not only read the book, but they use it.
If you smile, you will look good. You can’t deny the power of a smile. Smiling improves your mood, and your dopamine, it reduces blood pressure, increases endurance, prevents many diseases, makes our immunity stronger, and reduces pain. Imagine a kid, kids smile nearly 400 to 500 times a day. And if you compare the happy average adult person who smiles only 30-40 times a day. How many times a day do you smile? Ask yourself. Smiling is contagious, it improves your face value…. It makes you happy. And happy people may become successful… so how many times a day do you smile? Count it and practice it...
11.????????????Making new friends…….
Successful people never hesitate to make new friends or to connect with more people. They always increase their network. Your network is your net worth. Making new friends makes you more social, and happier, reducing loneliness.
12.????????????Listen to others……
Successful people listen to others and respect the opinions of their coworkers. Be open-minded and listen to others' opinions, it may be helpful in your life too. Listen to great personalities like Sadguru, and Gaur Gopal Das and implement their thoughts in your life.
If you listen to others, others will also respect your opinions.
13.????????????No anger……
Anger is the enemy of creativity and productivity. If you show anger every time, people won't like you, they will skip you. Anger creates more negativity and reduces your productivity and decision power. You can’t make any good decision in anger. Successful people are less anxious. It has several health effects also. Anxious people always have some diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and heart problem. So be calm in any situation and make a wise decision.
14.????????????Appreciate others…….
Appreciation always improves productivity. Successful peoples always appreciate their subordinates. Appreciating others will improve your respect for others. They will always approach you for suggestions and advice and you will be more respectable. It improves your self-value too.
15.????????????Setting goals…..
Successful people always not only set their goals but set higher goals. Life without any goal is useless. Life should be purpose-driven. You must set your goals and be always in action to achieve them. Setting goals and achieving them increases your self-esteem.
Saving at least 10% of your income will save you from any unexpected future problems. To be a successful person saving is a must.
17.????????????Come out of your comfort zone…….
Always remaining in your comfort zone will make you and your life miserable. You can’t achieve success in your comfort zone. If you want to be successful, you must come out of your comfort zone. Even chicks have to make effort to come out of the egg through the process of hatching, it gets a new life. Kill your comfort or comfort will kill you one day.
18.????????????Imperfectly progressing……
A successful person never waits for perfection they are progressing keep practicing and one day they become successful. Many of us try to be perfect and we never finish the task. Instead of keeping your tasks perfectly incomplete, keep trying, and refine them over time. Waiting for perfection leads to procrastination. Think, in which category you are… procrastinator or progressing though imperfect?
Daily writing is one of the best habits of a successful person. They used to write many things, and ideas in their diaries because you can't keep everything in your mind and eventually you will forget it. And you will never work on that. So keep a diary with you and write everything whatever idea comes to your mind.
20. Fewer sweets…..
Everyone likes sweets but reducing your work efficiency makes you lazy. So try to avoid sweets. Occasionally you can celebrate but don’t make it a daily habit. It has many damaging effects on health too.
21. Eye-to-eye contact…
While talking if you are making eye-to-eye contact it shows your confidence level. Try to make eye-to-eye contact. It improves your value. And the opponent will respect you.
22.????????????Rewarding yourself…
You have to reward yourself for small, small achievements in life. It gives you more confidence and boosts your energy to do more in life. So plan your shopping according to your achievement. Gift yourself a watch, cycle, smartphone, or even simple chocolate. Next time if you want anything first achieve something and then reward yourself by buying that thing….
23.????????????Love yourself…….
Always love yourself. If you only do not love yourself, how others will love you? So always love yourself. Be neat and clean, and wear the best clothes. People will respect you.
24.????????????Don’t wait for the right time…….
Successful people never wait for the right time to come. There is nothing right or wrong time. Your efforts and immediate actions make every time a good time. If you wait for the right time, that will never come… so apply any or many of these success habits and don’t wait for the right time to come… right time is now… do it now.