What is the greatest threat of being in a tribe?
And how do you find yourself in a group?
What are the risks and how do you take care of yourself?
Each of us, at one point, relied on hiding in a group. To adapt themselves, their beliefs, their behaviour. To be accepted and stronger by the power of the group.
Because without it, we feel lonely and weak.
We are tribal creatures and naturally seek the security of the group.
Some do this completely involuntarily and are able to sacrifice everything for it.
Others more consciously, aligning their chosen tribes with their goals and themselves.
In the vast majority of cases, however, something in us changes.
We adapt ourselves, adopt new rules that we did not follow before. A common code begins to guide us to some degree. We think more about how we should behave, how best to influence other members of the group and harm them as little as possible.
After all, on this depends
When we are young, groups are imposed on us - from family through school. And so we build up a sense of needing to fit in, to submit, to adapt.
Usually this stays with us, at least in some aspect. What remains are beliefs about the dangers of behaving differently and standing apart from the group. The need to put the good of the whole before our own.
So we fit in.
We pull out another mask.
We put on another costume.
We push ourselves deeper and deeper.
Little by little, we lose sight of who we are.
This state, of incompatibility with our true selves, causes wounds that are festering somewhere deep.
Slowly, methodically, eroding us from the inside and not allowing us to be the best version of ourselves, the true one.
Dressed in a mask and costume, we are an empty shell and a puppet whose strings are pulled by others.
This gradually, internally kills, literally.
It is deadly.
So what can you do about it?
Start by understanding yourself and allowing you to be you.
There are many methods to do this and it is a never-ending process of continually discovering yourself more deeply. And each level down gives you a better understanding and ability to direct yourself in a way that gives you satisfaction and results.
Practice, experience being guided by your opinion, your belief, and what is inside you.
The next step is to consciously assess how much you can be yourself in a particular group you are already in or are likely to join.
Are the rules and expectations in the group supportive for you and in line with you internally?
To what extent would you need to adapt, to change in order to fit in?
And are you sure? However, maybe you could be fully yourself and be in this group? What stands in the way of this being possible?
Remember that by being truly yourself, you give the most value, you feel confidence and peace. Why give that up? What is more important? What would it take to be yourself after all?
Therefore, taking care of others, does not exclude taking care of yourself.
On the contrary!
Only by taking care of yourself can you take care of others.
Test it out, take one step in a safe way and see how you feel when you take greater care of yourself.
And let us know what has changed.
And if you already see results, share them. Let others also understand that you can be an individual while being in a group.
This is something I strongly encourage you to do.
Be the change you wish to see.
?? I am Greg Hinc
?? Inspiring development of #Curiosity and #Leadership of self and others
?? Improving decision-making based on analysis triggered by questioning
? Initiating and managing change via critical thinking and perspective
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Ekspert IT Operations
2 年Grzegorz Hinc - w piramidzie Maslova poczucie przynale?no?ci zajmuje miejsce w samym jej ?rodku i nie bez przyczyny. Chcemy by? akceptowani i chcemy czu? si? cz??ci? czego? wi?kszego, bo jeste?my uwarunkowani stadnie. Stadnie, a nie spo?ecznie - nazywam to wprost z pe?n? determinacj?, zw?aszcza gdy mówimy o potrzebach pierwotnych wykszta?conych gatunkowo w drodze ewolucji mechanizmów kognitywnych. Bycie "outsiderem", maj?cym w?asne wyraziste "ja" bez ci?g?ego chodzenia na kompromisy to nie rzadko ci??ka sztuka ?? Niektórzy a nawet przera?aj?ca wi?kszo??, poczytuj? to za "over self-confidence", a ja widz? to jako zwyk?e "self-awerness". ?wiadomy egoizm tzn. rozumienie i akceptowanie w?asnej struktury psychicznej (emocjonalno-spo?ecznej) oraz przekonanie o jej mo?liwym pozytywnym wp?ywie jest warte piel?gnowania na ka?dym kroku. #nie_zmieniaj_mnie_gdy_jestem_autentyczny ??
Empowered Growth through Insight, Strategy, and Change??Business Consultant, Certified Coach & Counsellor??Bridging Human Potential with Data-Driven Solutions??Advocate for Personal & Organizational Transformation
2 年How did it start? https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/greg-hinc_novelicious-on-activity-6964465931062267905-WkYH?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Psycholog szukaj mnie na stronie psychologwalki.pl
2 年Zwykle ma?o si? nad tym zastanawiamy, tak mocno mamy zakorzenion? potrzeb? przynale?no?ci. Rezygnujemy dobrowolnie z samodzielnego my?lenia i oceny sytuacji.