What is Gratitude? A Thanksgiving Message
(Apologies for the masculine use of Father God. Creator is certainly not captured by He, She, Them, any more than Light can be gendered.)
Gratitude is a form of Love.
What else could it be?
The children of God
have largely lost Love’s meaning.
Gratitude is one of its noble forms
on earth.
Like love, it is extension.
It is expansion of Self.
Gratitude cannot be
an idea that says,
I am better than another.
Let me count my gifts and possessions.
It cannot be
a counting of blessings.
Your Father is an immeasurable giver.
Who can number the infinite?
Your life in Him is One complete Blessing,
never undone.
Your whole life is a benediction.
We cannot name
this piece or that part
as your little portion
of goodness in the world.
a tiny slice of life (!)
for which you begrudge
a measly thanks.
Your Father is not stingy
as you are with yourself.
Your Self was created
in the abundant appreciation
of God for Itself.
Gratitude runs from a Heart
immensely open,
full and connected with Source.
It is a waterfall of appreciation,
not a trickle of sweat,
not a sweating admiration.
Like all aspects of Love,
it is energetic extension
of positivity and creativity.
Infused with eternal elasticity,
it goes everywhere,
an omni-directional projection
that returns as more of Itself,
engendering miracles,
moving beyond the blocks
of need and doubt.
In its Light,
ego bows into postures
of humbled silence,
serving and allowing Wisdom-Mind
to lead in ways that heal.
You are the home of gratitude.
Without you, Love is homeless,
unfulfilled, pointless.
As you allow your heart
to accept God’s Love,
so is His great-fullness
a bestowal to you.
Perhaps there is a memory
of such bestowal,
a time when someone
unexpectedly did something
so outrageously kind,
your chest swelled,
your eyes brimmed with tears.
Your body forgot how to behave
and feelings overwhelmed the senses.
You wondered,
how am I worthy
of this extraordinary expression
of unearned grace?
Indeed you felt the Great and
Fullness in every cell
of your body!
Child of God,
this is but a smidgen
of your Father’s generosity,
a generosity that lives within,
waiting to be discovered!
This is but a little epiphany,
a tiny sprout rising
at the foot of a Redwood Forest,
a little bloom looking upon
a destiny of mammoth potential.
Your Creator longs for you to have
the great-fullness of His Personality,
(of which thankfulness is a Ray),
and in turn, to pour out to all creation.
You are wholly appreciated
in the same way He appreciates Himself.
He means to give the full bounty
of radiant Love to you.
And His Life, with yours,
depends upon it.
Without you,
His Life is incomplete.
Without you,
He is divided, even imperfect.
You are part of His Perfection
Which must be Total.
You are His Self,
His Hands,
His Miracle.
You are His Self,
and Gratitude.
So it is God covets
and appreciates you,
His Holy Creation, His own Life,
His Self.
You too are given to covet
and return life unreservedly,
to awaken to your deep
and great-full love for Him
as Being, as Author,
as humanity’s Brilliant Womb.
This requires a gratitude
matured from fantasies
of the Creator
as dispensary of goodies.
We are awakening to the Truth of Being
as unequivocal, unconditional Good.
Your gaze upon Him
is one of knowing,
Holy Esteem,
and awe-inspired Worthiness.
This childlike Vision allows Him
the greatest reflection of God-Self
illumining you as mirror,
crystalizing your soul as prism
through Which radiates,
Heaven’s emblazoned Grace.
Gratitude brings Grace
piercing through the heart
open to receive Him.
On this day of Thanksgiving,
all creation acknowledges you
and waits for your appreciation.
All creation is transformed
by your unified recognition
of God as Trinity,
the Power,
the Glory
and the Wisdom
behind all that is.
Ever shall It Be.
Today you can become
a great gushing waterfall wakening
to the grand-fullness of all life,
of everything.
Everything He creates
deserves appreciation.
Every being, every creature,
our mother earth,
and all our Friends
have given total allegiance
to our well-being,
to loving us Home,
sharing the purpose of unification.
Your Father has given Love.
Jeshua has demonstrated the form
which is a benediction,
a blessing that awakens you.
Would you not give it too?
Is not blessing
the heart of gratitude?
If so, bow your head
and receive.
Rest for a while
in acknowledgment
of the God that is your Life.
And then,
rest awhile in the benevolent
and beautiful being
that You are.
Indeed, You are the One
Who transposes the Love
of Supreme Omnipotent Intelligence
and offers it to the world
as the great-fullness of the Christ.
Christ in you is blessing
and blesses in turn.
Give whole hearted thanks
to your Life-giver,
and then give thanks to You,
beloved of God
and lover of Creation,
His living, breathing Word
of glory and praise.
You are His church,
the holy temple this season
in which Appreciation abides.
God Loves you, as I do.
Blessed Thanksgiving.
Post script: As I was editing these words this morning, I heard: I am Jeshua, and I approve this message. We laughed out loud. Looking up from the page I saw the sun’s rays piercing a plastic seltzer bottle, left on the windowsill by last night’s guests. The light blinded my vision, the rays as powerful, golden and intense as the sun itself. I could not help but feel this light as His Heart fire, shining and splaying into my life. This was the miracle of transposing a common plastic bottle into an extraordinary blessing. So much more is our life transposing Christ Consciousness into beams too bright for eyes. I am enflamed with gratitude.
Ever Love,
What is Gratitude?is an excerpt from the book,?Write, Beloved, Write.?Available at?Book Baby?or Amazon Books. or by contacting MaryBeth Scalice [email protected]