What Got Me Here Won’t Get Me There: This May be True For You Too
Kris Risley, DrPH, CPCC
Spiritual Seeker | Executive Leadership Coach | Get unstuck at work & transform your life | Secure a higher-paying job aligned with your values | Be a better leader | Clients @ CDC, HRSA, USAID, NIH, ASTHO, & More
I made it. An office with a view. I lead through relationships; I lean towards people pleasing.?I’m not protecting or controlling. These behaviors won’t take me to my next level of leadership.?My desire to be authentic must become reality. Authenticity and a strong internal compass point the Way.
What got you to where you are now? How might those behaviors be holding you back now? What strategies can help you move forward? ?????????????
This piece refers to my work as a facilitator of the Leadership Circle Profile (LCP), a 360 assessment. You can find the free self assessment here . This will give you more information about what got you to where you are now and it will point you to what you can do to get to where you are trying to go!?
If you are interested in LCP coaching for yourself, your team, or your organization, feel free to email me.
?https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/krisrisley/ | www.krisrisley.com | [email protected]