What is Goole Search Engine, how It's work & it's algorithms?
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What is Google Search Engine?
A Google search engine is a web-based tool that enables users to locate information on the World Wide Web.
The Google story begins in 1995 at Stanford University. Larry Page was considering Stanford for grad school and Sergey Brin, a student there, was assigned to show him around. By some accounts, they disagreed about nearly everything during that first meeting, but by the following year they struck a partnership.
It’s Call Query Face for search Voice & keywords and that Query Face Show the SERP ( Search Engine Result Page ).
Crawlers :
the crawler is an automated program that systematically browses the Internet for new web pages. Google and other search engines use web crawlers to update their search indexes. Each search engine that has its own index also has its own web crawler.
crawling the task of the crawler is to visit a web page, read it, and follow the links to other web pages of the site. Each time the crawler visits a webpage, it makes a copy of the page and adds its URL to the index. After adding the URL, it regularly visits the sites like every month or two to look for updates or changes.
Google search Engine to give site oner choices about how to bots crawl this site also provide detailed instructions about how to process pages on their sites, can request re-crawling or not. that file called robots. Text.
After Crawling the search engine indexed or store site information in the Database.
Types of search engines:
· Crawler-Based Search Engine
· Human-Powered Directories
· Hybrid Search Engines
· Meta-Search Engines
Crawler-Based Search Engine :
Crawler-Bad Search Engine, such as Google and Alta Vista, create their listings automatically by using a piece of algorithms to ” crawl” “spider” the whole web and then index what it finds to build the search base. Web page changes can be dynamically caught by crawler-based search engines and will affect how these web pages get listed in search results.
Human-Powered Directories :
Human-powered directories, such as the Yahoo Directory, Open Directory, and LookSmart, depend on human editors to create their listings. Typically, webmasters submit a short description to the directory for their websites, or editors write one for the sites they review, and these manually edited descriptions will form the search base. Therefore, changes made to individual web pages will have no effect on how these pages get listed in the search results.
Hybrid Search Engines :
A hybrid search engine is a type of computer search engine that uses different types of data with or without ontologies to produce the algorithmically generated results based on web crawling. Previous types of search engines only use text to generate their results.
Meta-Search Engines :
Known as an aggregator, is a search engine that sends queries to several search engines and either aggregate the results into one master list or categorizes the results by the search engines they come from. There are dozens of metasearch engines across the Internet, and dople is one prominent example.
it as “a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a search engine.
8 major Google algorithm updates :
1. Panda: February 24, 2011
2. Penguin: April 24, 2012
3. Hummingbird: August 22, 2013.
4. Pigeon: July 24, 2014( US); December 22, 2014 (UK, Canada, Australia )
5. Mobile: April 21, 2015
6. RankBrain: October 26, 2015
7. Possum: September 1, 2016.
8. Fred: March 8, 2017.
01. Panda: February 24,
Duplicate, plagiarized or thin content; user-generated spam; keyword stuffing.
How it works:
Panda assigns a so-called “quality score” to web pages; this score is then used as a ranking factor. Initially, Panda was a filter rather than part of Google’s ranking algo, but in January 2016, it was officially incorporated into the core algorithm. Panda rollouts have become more frequent, so both penalties and recoveries now happen faster.
How to adjust:
Run regular site checks for content duplication, thin content, and keyword stuffing. To do that, you’ll need a site crawler, like SEO PowerSuite’s Website Auditor.
( If you have an e-commerce site and cannot afford to have 100 percent unique content, try to use original images where you can, and utilize user reviews to make product descriptions stand out from the crowd.)
02. Penguin: April 24 , 2012
Hazards :
Spammy or irrelevant links; links with over-optimized anchor text.
How it works:
Google Penguin’s objective is to down-rank sites whose links it deems manipulative. Since late 2016, Penguin has been part of Google’s core algorithm; unlike Panda, it works in real-time.
How to adjust:
Monitor your link profile’s growth and run regular audits with a backlink checker like SEO SpyGlass. In the tool’s Summary dashboard, you’ll find a progress graph for your link profile’s growth. Look out for any unusual spikes: those are reason enough to look into the backlinks you’ve unexpectedly gained.
03. Hummingbird: August 22, 2013
Hazards: Keyword stuffing; low-quality content
How it works:
Hummingbird helps Google better interpret search queries and provide results that match searcher intent (as opposed to the individual terms within the query). While keywords continue to be important, Hummingbird makes it possible for a page to rank for a query even if it doesn’t contain the exact words the searcher entered. This is achieved with the help of natural language processing that relies on latent semantic indexing, co-occurring terms, and synonyms.
How to adjust:
Expand your keyword research and focus on concepts, not keywords. Carefully research related searches, synonyms, and co-occurring terms. Great sources of such ideas are Google Related Searches and Google Autocomplete. You’ll find all of them incorporated into Rank Tracker’s Keyword Research module.
(Use these insights to understand your audience’s language better and diversify your content.)
04. Pigeon : July 24, 2014 (US); December 22, 2014 (UK, Canada, Australia)
Hazards: Poor on- and off-page SEO.
How it works:
Pigeon affects those searches in which the user’s location plays an important part. The update created closer ties between the local algorithm and the core algorithm: traditional SEO factors are now used to rank local results.
How to Adjust :
Invest effort into on- and off-page SEO. A good starting point is running an on-page analysis with WebSite Auditor. The tool’s Content Analysis dashboard will give you a good idea about the aspects of on-page optimization you need to focus on.
05. MOBILE: April 21, 2015
Hazards: Lack of a mobile version of the page; poor mobile usability.
How it Works :
Google’s Mobile Update (aka Mobilegeddon) ensures that mobile-friendly pages rank at the top of mobile search, while pages not optimized for mobile are filtered out from the SERPs or seriously down-ranked.
How To Adjust :
Go mobile and focus on speed and usability. Google’s mobile-friendly test will help you see which aspects of your page’s mobile version need to be improved. The test in integrated into WebSite Auditor so you can check your pages’ mobile friendliness quickly. You’ll find it in Content Analysis > Page Audit, under the Technical factors tab.
06. RankBrain: October 26, 2015
Hazards :
Lack of query-specific relevance features; shallow content; poor UX.
How It Works :
RankBrain is part of Google’s Hummingbird algorithm. It is a machine learning system that helps Google understand the meaning behind queries, and serve best-matching search results in response to those queries. Google calls RankBrain the third most important ranking factor. While we don’t know the ins and outs of RankBrain, the general opinion is that it identifies relevance features for web pages ranking for a given query, which are basically query-specific ranking factors.
How to Adjust :
Optimize content for relevance and comprehensiveness with the help of competitive analysis. With the help of WebSite Auditor‘s TF-IDF tool, you can discover relevant terms and concepts used by a large number of your top-ranking competitors: those are a brilliant way to diversify your content.
07 Possum: September 1, 2016
Hazards: Tense competition in your target location.
How it Works :
The Possum update ensured that local results vary more depending on the searcher’s location: the closer you are to a business’s address, the more likely you are to see it among local results. Possum also resulted in greater variety among results ranking for very similar queries, like “dentist Denver” and “dentist Denver co.” Interestingly, Possum also gave a boost to businesses located outside the physical city area.
How to Adjust :
Expand your keyword list and do location-specific rank tracking. Local businesses now need to be targeting more keywords than they used to, due to the volatility Possum brought into the local SERPs. As you check your rankings, make sure you’re doing this from your target location (or, better yet, a bunch of them). You can do this in Rank Tracker under Preferences > Preferred Search Engines. Click Add Custom next to Google. Next, specify your preferred location — you can make it as specific as a street address.
08. Fred: March 8, 2017
Hazards: Thin, affiliate-heavy, or ad-centered content.
How it Works :
The latest of Google’s confirmed updates, Fred targets websites that violate Google’s webmaster guidelines. The majority of affected sites are blogs with low-quality posts that appear to be created mostly for the purpose of generating ad revenue.
How to Adjust :
Review Google Search Quality Guidelines and watch out for thin content. If you show ads, make sure the pages they are found on are high-quality and offer relevant ample information. This is basically it: Don’t try to trick Google into thinking your page is about something when it really is a gateway page full of affiliate links. Most publishers make money off ads, and that’s totally legit as long as you are not cheating.
Some Other Google Algorithms update :
? Mobile Speed Update: 17 Jan, 2018.
? Site Diversity Update: 3 June 2019
Fix it: improve situations where sites had more than two organic listings.
? BERT Update: 25 Oct 2019
Google upgraded its algorithm and hardware to understand BERT natural language processing (NLP) model. BERT allows Google to better interpret and understand language searches and thus improve search results.
Final World:
Indexing your whole website in Google to make it visible for the whole world with the internet as a medium is a great idea. This method will help you in targeting major audience, more leads, more traffic across the world.
Further, if your website is not indexed by Google then there are possibly only two reasons as mentioned below:
- Your website might be having more than usual technical issues.
- Might be possible that according to Google you have low-quality content on this page making that particular page worthless.
Whatever be the reason, keep in mind that Google Indexing is important at any cost for all the valid pages.