What is Google RankBrain Algorithm?
All SEO Webmasters are aware of the fact that Google uses some complex algorithms for ranking a website. These are Panda, Penguin, Pigeon, Hummingbird etc. These algorithms determine how a webpage ranks on the resultant page. In October 2015 Google introduced a new intelligent algorithm that works typically different from other algorithms. It’s called Google Rankbrain. It’s a machine learning technology. Machine learning technology means a computer teaches itself how to do something. Before this algorithm, Google Engineers used a high-class mathematical process for determining a result, but that is past now. Now Rankbrain, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system does the big job. According to Google, it uses the best signals like keywords, page speed, mobile-friendliness, back-links, anchor text etc for determining a result that appears in SERP. Users now search something compiling with multiple words or long tail keywords. Rankbrain has that ability to perceive that multiple words and how they are related to each other. It searches the similar meaning and outputs the suitable result in a great way.
How it affects SEO:
Always keep in mind that what a user wants the search result to be is wanted by Google also. SEO process is going tough gradually. It’s not those old days when only link building was the best process to rank high in search engine. After some big revolutions in algorithm update by google, those processes are gone.
Keywords are too important for ranking. Natural contents with super information that quenches the thirst of the users are the most important factor right now. We don’t know what are the keywords any user uses for a particular result. Users like natural language and proper result what they search for. So we have to put content considering this matter. User satisfaction is the most important factor.