What is google analytics used for?

How to create a Google Analytics account?

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Analytics is a tool put in place by Google, and offers detailed inventories of the number of visitors to a given site. A valid analysis also in relation to the content of the site. So it is advisable to have a Google Analytics account for those who have a website. By following the following steps, you can quickly create a Google Analytics account. The first step is to open the Google Analytics site.

Once the page is open and the interface visible, to the right of the page are the words "Register now".

Click on it. Once the registration is validated, you must now fill in the fields. This is general information and on the account name box, you will put the name of your site.

Like all registrations, the Google Analytics account imposes a user agreement that you must read (which we strongly recommend) and validate. Once the fields have been filled in and the contract has been agreed, you can now click on the “create an account” button. Google Analytics has now recorded this bit of information. It will provide you with a code to insert into the pages.

This will be your identifier in the form of UA-XXXXXXX-X (X representing numbers). This identifying number must be inserted in all your pages.

You can then start viewing the statistics. If you are in e-commerce, your account setup can go further if you wish. This option allows you to give you detailed information about your orders by providing statistics on the levers of traffic acquisition and conversions. Then follow the following steps: go to your account interface, click on Admin, then view and then E-commerce settings. Now activate the feature. Once all of this is done, you can check the scans regularly.

This allows you to track your site in detail and see the progress of your visits and sales made. It also happens that sites already have an account on Google Analytics and want to create a new account in the already existing account. All you have to do is connect to the existing account, go to Admin and then to Account. Click on Create an account then on Website or mobile application. Now fill in the account name field and then the configuration of your property. Select after a sector category, the reporting time zone and now click on get tracking ID.

What is the point of having a Google Analytics account?

Google Analytics has been online for a few years on the global virtual market. Completely free, it allows you to analyze a website's audience, that is, its popularity and performance with Internet users and compared to other sites.

With an easy-to-read interface, Google Analytics offers a wide possibility of daily, weekly or even monthly monitoring. Once you are registered on the site, it allows you to have a general idea about the performance of your site. With useful features for e-commerce, the site is a quick way to track sales made by your site.

It also shows the visits recorded by your site.

Sifting through the entire site, the tool is an effective way to improve the site. It allows you to put in place the necessary adjustments to improve the site. By displaying the positions compared to other sites, competitive quality is highlighted.

Analytics is also highly regarded for its personalized reports.

A paid version of this tool exists for large companies and agencies: Google Analytics 360 Suite.

Among the possibilities for behavioral analysis with respect to your web marketing actions, Analytics allows you to answer questions such as:

How many people are arriving from your partner?

How many people buy following an emailing?

How many people are downloading your white paper?

Number of consultations for your new products?

Which products work the best?

All of these analyzes can be done if you use Google Analytics as a whole and have a site with a complete tagging plan.

What are the KPIs to follow on Analytics?

Google Analytics will allow you to analyze internet user behavior and measure the return of your web marketing actions. Its interface is divided into 5 main parts: real time, audience, acquisition, behavior and conversions.

Knowing what my average bounce rate is is useful, but knowing if my bounce rate is better on mobile than on desktop is more relevant information.

Traffic: These are visitors who come to and browse your site. These visitors can be “one-off”, that is, first-time visitors, or regular.

Bounce rate: is an indicator that characterizes the percentage of visitors who came to your one of the pages of your site and who left it without having visited another page.

Time Spent: As the name suggests, this refers to the time spent on your site or web page.

Conversion rate: this is the ratio between the number of visitors and the number of buyers on your site. On the internet, the conversion rate can be applied to various purposes such as: filling out a form, downloading a document, ...

Sources of traffic: knowing where your traffic comes from will allow you to better target and identify your audiences and potential customers

Number of page views: this indicator allows you to see which article has the best market or which page of your website resorts the best. Knowing the number of page views also allows you to better understand the behavior of visitors to your site.

Acquisition cost: the acquisition cost allows you to determine the effectiveness and profitability of your marketing campaigns (AdWords, Facebook, events, etc.). Depending on the income or the number of customers obtained, your campaign will have been profitable or not.

Important views in Google Analytics

1. Real time

Real-time reports allow you to monitor the actions carried out on your site or in your application at all times thanks to their constant updating. For example, you will be able to see the number of people on your site in real time and their location, the events or pages with which they interact, and the conversions that have occurred.


2. Audience

Audience reports will allow you to better understand the visitors to your website: demographic, geographic data, centers of interest, most used devices and browsers etc. This data will help you to better understand your target in order to constantly adapt your web marketing actions.

You can also analyze the quality of your traffic thanks to data such as the bounce rate, the number of pages viewed, the duration of the sessions, etc.

3. Acquisition

Acquisition reports show the different channels driving traffic to your website. This will help you measure the performance of your web marketing actions: partner sites, e-mailing, Google Adwords campaign, social networks, etc.

It is important to monitor the traffic generated on the website by channel and over time in order to compare performance against a previous period.

4. Behavior

Behavior reports provide you with an analysis of the behavior of visitors to your site: most viewed pages, keywords searched in the site's internal engine, event tracking, etc.

This section is important to identify the best performing pages and those to improve based on loading time, bounce rate or their place in the conversion path of Internet users (page value).

Their differentiations?

 They can offer a significant advantage of owning your data. Because yes, Google does use and market the data it collects in Analytics in some way.

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In his defense and in defense, the fact of putting this war machine analysis free, gives Google the right to use this data, but for your own good.

To date, Google Analytics has 80% of the web audience analysis market

Want to go further ? Discover our webinar “How to properly analyze your Analytics?”

5. Conversions

Conversions reports are the key to monitoring the performance of your site and your web marketing actions. Thanks to a comprehensive tagging plan, you will be able to measure key performance indicators according to your site such as your sales, turnover, the number of completed forms or even downloads of a document.

You can also analyze the most frequent conversion paths used by Internet users. Today's Internet users use multiple devices and traffic sources before converting, so it's important to measure the place of each traffic channel in your visitors' conversion path.

Can we use Analytics for Intranet / Extranet, to track a web application for example?

Analytics is now mostly used for websites that are open to everyone.

But in the same spirit as a traditional website, Analytics can be used on a corporate intranet or an extranet.

Knowing how employees behave on an internal platform, knowing which sections are consulted, which ones are neglected are information that can be obtained with Google Analytics.

In the context of an extranet open to your customers, or to your resellers for example, knowing how these "Internet users" behave can help with its ergonomics, and therefore improve the user experience. Who are your most connected distributors, where are they? etc

We proceed in the same way, namely, what are the needs, what indicators to have, for what purposes in order to create a tagging plan that will be implemented on the web application


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