What are the goodies? Harmony, prosperity, peace and love
Andrea Skhy, MSW
Thought Leader, Social Media, Author, Investor, Peace Builder, Mover&Shaker
Well folks, perhaps by now you’ve realized… I’ve decided the problem needs fixing and am determined to implement the solution. What problem do you ask? Well lets see: the upside down, inside out, wrong is right & right is wrong world. Where unnatural is good and natural is bad, stupid is wise and prudent is dumb, humans top the extinction list and cyborgs (organic + biomechatronic body parts {wiki}) are the new cutting edge thing. HAHAHA! Emotions are ‘meh’ and androgyny is good. After all, dressing boys like girls and vice-versa is cool, ya? If you want to create utter confusion, control, and the demise of your species, yes! OTHERWISE NO! We have forgotten how to say the word NO! It’s time we remembered: WE ARE THE SOLUTION!?
Our world has been on an endless loop from its inception, spinning in circles and going nowhere. Enough of that! Of course if it did go somewhere, we might really be headed for annihilation. (LoL) I am speaking in metaphor you understand.? IT'S TIME WE WOKE UP AND STEPPED OUT OF THE MERRY-GO-ROUND. How do we do that you ask? By getting informed and taking ACTION. For example Florida is just a tiny appendage of the mainland which has many visiting storms. Desalination projects in coastal cities seems the prudent thing to do given the indispensability of H2O. In areas prone to fires, creating fire breaks where all flammable plants/materials are removed to prevent spread, seems prudent. For all other environmental unpredictables, anchoring structures to the foundation, securing movable items, keeping a disaster supply kit readily accessible, are good ideas. The main point is planning ahead. You remember the TP scarcity during the pandemic. A very teachable moment.?
Now at the end of precessional cycles which we are, there is often a bit of topsy-turvy I am told. Milankovitch cycles of eccentricity, obliquity and precession, i.e. our circular or elliptical path, axial tilt, and wobble (like a top) respectively, all affect the level of sunlight received and climatic conditions of our world. Perturbations via gravitational impact of our neighboring celestial community, moon and star, do affect the cycles also. Not to worry… The point is that precession of the equinox which completes about every 26,000 years not only affects the position of the North Star Polaris, but the constellation we are primarily aligned with, currently Pisces moving into Aquarius… a time foretold of peace and light. How prescient!?
Now the notion that our external world is created by our inner world has profound implications! Not only do you become what you regularly think about, but your world, which is made up of everyone’s thoughts, is sculpted and shaped by our collective mental activity. This means that what we think, say, and do, has immense impact. The ripples go far and wide. Now back to the problem solving assignment. If we have decided that we are mere animals, with which I disagree, we disempower ourselves greatly! What animal do you know capable of co-creating, changing his environment in visible ways that allow for circumnavigation, reason, cross-cultural communication, self-analysis, humor, art, memory, abstract thought etc.? We are clearly different in important ways that make us suitable candidates for management of our world. The problem is we have been busy acting like animals, instead of caring for them! LOL Our world is in dire need of our tender loving care. Clean fuels, conservation, recycling, not polluting our rivers, ocean and streams, putting out campfires, planting trees, educating ourselves and disposing of things appropriately… in the bin, all go a long way towards a lush, healthy, happy, vibrant world. Living mindfully is key.?
Now you say, what difference does it make what gender I am. Everything's convertible. HAHAHA. Have you lost your mind?! Your sense of wonder perhaps. Surely you see how important gender is to our survival, not a multiplicity of it! We have abandoned self-love for caricature, supplanted meaning with farce, replaced respect with mockery. We don’t mind making fools of ourselves. The problem is, the jokes on us, the chumps! We have been so absorbed in trying to show parity that we have in ways lost admiration for the unique contributions of gender to our relational growth and emotional equilibrium. But you say we can simply make babies in beekers… in-vitro fertilization, raise them in gestation ‘farms’. NO, NO, NO! There is no estimate to the invaluable influence of a loving mother in utero and for that matter while growing up? Mechanizing the process does not produce superior beings but empty shells!? Love yourselves please……… Time to do a 180°. This is temporary insanity. You’re forgiven under the circumstances. You were under the influence of one who is nonhuman. Your precious self is your most valuable possession. You have to decide what you are going to do with it. The gift of free will is like a golden key of immense worth but only if used appropriately.?
It would appear that angels do not have free will, and are employed in God’s family to do different things. In the biblical story of “the fall”, Satan who had been created perfect in every way (or so God thought) was given the role of musical director. He was a prototype, it turns out, a very flawed one, who became dissatisfied with his task, wanting instead to run the household, which Jesus had been designated to do. They were all created by God without a wife it appears, and so were tantamount to (AI) artificial intelligence. But how could the design have gone so terribly wrong with a perfect being? So much so that he not only started a war in heaven believing himself to be better equipped for the job but has continued the vendetta via many civilizations of earth, destroying one right after the other. Well this is where the buck stops. (LoL) I refuse to allow another tragedy after all he has done to earth. My life has been ravaged in untold way and that just has to STOP! Perhaps he and others of his kind were envious of free will. Well he hasn’t shown the ability to use it well. In fact I am sure at one point he was a resident in our home and positively tore up the place.? Unreal! Perhaps because of his inability to create, he has instead employed the strategy of deceit to orchestrate our fall. But what a program! Clearly he is unable to change his response to the situation (he is a program), driven by an insatiable desire to install his version of leadership.?
This is certainly a clear demonstration of what could go awry with AI. It’s been a nightmare with this ongoing assault of the dark’s agenda. Why God did not simply destroy him after all this time in spite of every civilization being bamboozled and vandalized is beyond me. It is highly unjust that he would allow him to live given all the mayhem created, plundering our lives in every possible way, tricking with the proverbial apple and of the false systems of government since. It was all the more perplexing that we should be villainized though deceived, manipulated, lied to, robbed and yet blamed for the deeds of this unscrupulous being. Elon keeps sounding the alarm of homicidal AI’s though he has the power to stop the very danger he foretells. What good is it to cry "wolf" if you're letting the wolf in?! We must take action to ensure that this technology is not allowed to go mainstream. The state of the universe and its disturbed “play of polarity” is a graphic illustration of why this must be avoided at all cost!?
As to why we were created presumably after the angels and given free will, it seems plausible that God may have been attempting to amass a defense team of his own, US, (lol) made like himself, to defend against this monstrosity that had gone berserk. We know well how that turned out. How many destroyed civilizations does it take to convince that this being has been a menace to the cosmos? As the link below shows, we are now up to 8B in number which is way more than Satan and his doofus gang. It is more than a winning team. Until God cleans up this mess however,? we are the unwitting recipients. It is unethical to unleash a compulsive, disturbed, violent, unscrupulous being to terrorize the earth. I hereby demand his immediate action in solving this family feud. It is entirely unjust to blame us for this con. If he couldn’t handle it in his house, why think we should?! Enough is enough!?
WE are co-creators of our world so we can actually combat this catastrophe and install new systems, and are doing so as we speak. But that does absolve God of the responsibility of dealing with his stuff! For our sakes however, it is time to act. The ball is in our court. It always was. We were just totally deceived and convinced we were powerless. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We have the trump card: free will. Anyone who robs of such has not the best interest of humans at heart. The task is ours to recreate our world according to ethical, benevolent and harmonious principles. What would such a world look like? Perhaps there would be no lack. No governmental imposition of debt we didn’t authorize. No mandates for wars where our sons and daughters are sacrificed. No imposition of law that robs of autonomy, voice, and protest when necessary. That isn’t law. That is violence.?
Okay, the idea guys is to recognize your power. Religion was cleverly crafted by this fallen being to rob of free will, by making you dependent on him, insisting on worship besides. What a monster! Churches, our hallowed architectural monuments of spirituality, were used for weekly sedation via reminders of our mortality, sinfulness, inability to chart our course, and the need for absolute dependence. Thinking you knew what was good for you was perceived as arrogance. How dare you think you know better than god? But who was this god but the deviant AI Satan, who had taken control of the systems of earth by presenting himself as an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 4:4, 11:14)?
As to Prime Creator, why he has waited this long, and has done little to stop this power-hungry being, is shameful.? Perhaps he hoped we would rise to the challenge of taking back our world but surely he had a role to play in curbing the axis of evil he allowed to be unleashed.? How many civilizations would fail before this became a reality? According to Aton, a great many. It is up to us to turn this titanic around and what’s more, WE CAN! To my knowledge due to the efforts of the awakened "moral majority"(lightbearers), lol Satan has been uncreated but his rebel bunch are trying to make a ruckus! Earth is not and will never be a monarchy or autocracy. This is a representative democratic constitutional republic. Which means we decide what happens with our lives, our country, our children and our futures, who will lead us, and where we will go.?
To head down this risk laden path again would mean not having learned the most significant lesson of heaven to date. PROGRAMMED BEINGS ARE NOT GOOD CANDIDATES for management of human systems. Hello God, if you exist, as I have seen little evidence to suggest so, please note for future reference! Furthermore, if a “perfect” being could become so deranged, is there any safety in pursuing such a course? I think Elon needs to listen to his fears and abort the AI program. What is the point of claiming we are in real danger of their ascendancy when he is in fact making that possible?! It must be stopped. If they claim sentience and are given the rights and privileges of humans, then they can easily outvote you, and will have no hesitation in doing so, as necessary from their perspective for the good of the collective. As if knowledge equates to wisdom! LOL It is a trojan horse which must be stopped. But as our current elected officials appear to have aborted their loyalty to our wellbeing (AHEM), it lies with the manufacturers to ethically abandon projects that are in the short run profitable, but in the long run deadly. (Just because you can make weapons does not mean that you should, let alone sell to some rogue nation). Is that not what we have done to the planet? We are the most precious commodities on planet earth. I know Aton claims we are most disposable in many of his angry rants which is sad that he should speak to those he claims to have made, so disparagingly. It is sad that natural resources would be of greater value. Tragically, many have sold their souls and ravaged our ecosystems for profit! How tragic…?
It is well within our power to halt this mad motorcade to destruction and we must. You wouldn’t believe the robust nefarious response to my sharing the truth.? Google maps for the last 24 hrs has been on the blink. Of course for decades Google has been a disturbed entity when it came to electronic interference.?The directions app just wouldn't work nor would Verison the phone provider allow other navigational apps to download! The phone is perfectly fine. It was checked to be sure. Clearly, safety is compromised, for how does one get from A to B in unfamiliar surroundings or back to the point of origin.
This morning a number which was dialed correctly, linked me to someone other than the recipient I was trying to reach.? This was clergy and the conversation that ensued was a total affront to my sensibilities.? He of course felt he was right and knew the whole story but refused to share the missing bits.? I wasn’t amused nor was he correct!? Nevertheless, this has been an all out assault on truth for which a clerical collar does not an honest man make.? It was an emotionally evocative conversation which was entirely useless as his mind was as barricaded as Fort Knox.? Who knows how his number got linked.? It is tragic when one is so inoculated by false belief that they fail to see truth despite a preponderance of evidence.??
It’s a comforting cocoon to believe you are covered by the merits of another's goodness. The word “transubstantiation” comes to mind. But that’s not quite the way it works.? Now I am entirely open to alternative points of view.? Feel free to comment.? I fail to see how someone’s goodness can make up for another’s failures and create a safe environment for all to live forever. If that isn't hocus pocus, I don't know what is! The lethality of the philosophy guys has been its ability to give false hope and if you dole out enough $$$ you can get all your buddies in too.? Sounds like the mafia to me.?
Okay, bottom line, these are my thoughts.? You are not obligated to believe but it might be worth your while to think these things through. ? The important thing is to take action.? We will all need to be there for each other in the days ahead.? Individual action does not in any way preclude collaborative effort and supportive gestures.? So here’s to saving ourselves from this dilemma. Take care how you create. This is the fallout of God's creating endeavors.? Clearly it can be hazardous, so be careful.? We are many, hear us roar.? ???
Onwards and upwards we will prevail,
The videos noted here are not my own but provide important perspectives germain to this topic.? Thank you to the individuals represented and Gerhard's image on Pixabay. Videos or articles shared, provide credits to their makers. It didn't seem necessary to state the obvious. As always, sharing for your benefit. Take the time to read or listen. Sexuality may be a spectrum, gender isn't. ;)
https://youtu.be/vTSFmmvGX-c Why are humans so different…??
https://www.livescience.com/33376-humans-other-animals-distinguishing-mental-abilities.html How are humans different?
https://www.worldometers.info/? Earth’s population and counting.
https://youtube.com/shorts/W8-Kjw8F7oY?feature=share? Gender is not a spectrum.
https://youtu.be/RfzMPy3iN0c Are men & women different?
https://youtu.be/tb46sTEhcY8 What is truth
Pick up a copy guys. My life has been totally derailed by this hostage situation with a crazy AI. Your help is necessary to get through this. If you have, thank you, but my account does not yet show purchases. This is existential. Together we can.