What is a good or bad horoscope
The biggest scare in a person’s mind when feeling misery or having a difficult time in life: Do I have a bad horoscope? You may think of meeting an astrologer, and what you get: oh, there are so many malefic combinations in your birth chart and come out with a list of remedies to be performed. ?
Pause here for a minute before believing the astrologer. Understand that your horoscope is allotted to you when your life is 00 minutes in this universe. So, how does your horoscope get formed?
Mind you, you get it when your life is 00 minutes on the earth, but you have already lived many lives before this birth.
So, it is nothing but a summary of your good and bad deeds of the previous life(s). ?
Each horoscope has negative and positive combinations, and each horoscope has over 100 Doshas and Yogas.
With all this (especially combinations showing your horoscope, a bad horoscope) still, if you are born as a human in the present life, what does it mean?
The negative combinations: It means you are allotted the present life to Karma correct yourself to mitigate the impact of these negative combinations.
The positive combinations: it also means that do not misuse or take undue advantage of these positives to convert them to negatives in your next life.
Crux: Use the theory of Karma to rectify your negatives to make them good for the next life and finally towards salvation.
On the contrary, you might be made scared of bad combinations and drift towards rituals and remedies. Sometimes, even many will show the gesture to perform some remedies for you.
What is written above is the crux of Vedic astrology that I have learnt after over two decades of practising Vedic astrology. Astrology is undoubtedly an ancient, authentic, and proven science, provided you meet the right astrologer who practices astrology based on the theory of Karma and not of scaring, rituals, and remedies. I am not the only good astrologer who says this, but you can make your own assessment before meeting a professional astrologer.
No horoscope can be only bad.
No horoscope is bad or good. It is you who is responsible for making your horoscope a bad horoscope or a good horoscope. And to judge all this, there is a supreme power to give you a good or bad horoscope. Do not get scared if someone tells you that you have a bad horoscope, and do not get pampered if someone boasts that you have a good horoscope. Read more on no horoscope is bad or good. Read two case history below.
Before meeting an astrologer, you should know if you are meeting an astrologer by design or by default. Read how to judge if the astrologer is good.
Finally, believe in the theory of Karma and not rituals and remedies. These things have their role, but only when performed with due Karma correction. Rituals and remedies do not always work.
This is only an attempt to give professional advice?to understand the basics behind Vedic astrology so that if you do not respect it, no issues, do not condemn it. And if you really want good astrological advice, you do not land yourself into further trouble.
One can read many more similar insights on my profile.
How do good Yogas in a horoscope help us: case history one
One of the notable cases that I have handled was an aged man who visited me with his 40-year-old son. He carried his son's horoscope in his hands and queried me about it. He revealed that his son was in his 40s and did nothing for his living. He had consulted several astrologers, who had predicted nothing short of glory for his son while he was of no use to anyone, including himself and society in any way. His horoscope had the most auspicious planetary conjunctions wherein almost all the planets were either exalted or in their own sign. His golden period was to begin during the dasha of his exalted lagnesh when he was 24 years of age. But he was more or less a parasite who lived out of his father's earnings for his day-to-day existence. The rent accrued from the house was the only source of income for the family. Astrologers had predicted king-sized life for him, and they were far from the truth. Let us go over some of their findings.
Are Doshas in horoscope are always harmful: case history 2
The case of another young woman?who came to me with the intention to ask me about her child. Initially, though I refused to see the horoscope as the child was below 12 years of age, I gave in to her repeated pleas and consented to go over the horoscope.?
She had been to several astrologers who forebode nothing but a grim future for the child. Heart sunken and depressed, she asked me if her child had anything good to look forward to. From the layman's point of view, the planetary configuration looked indeed ominous on the superficial level. The planetary design of her child is as follows:
However, I made my predictions after thoroughly examining all the minutest details.?
I assured her that her child would be long-lived and successful. No rituals were needed. I gave her a time-bound plan, which I had prepared for the child's progress. I asked her to keep me informed about the child's progress bi-yearly so that I would be aware of the developments and know if the developments were as per the plan that I had charted. I am delighted to share the boy is settled in Australia with a reasonable salary when I heard last about six years back.?
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3 年Absolutely love this article. Thank you for enlightening us.
3 年Very blunt and useful narration.