I have been thinking about writing an article for a minute now and i thought "oh multi-tasking". The impending need for me to post regular contents to my fans and also stay up to date on what's happening around the globe has been a vital key to keep me being productive.
Oh yes i do post regular contents to my fans(i'm my number one fan), in fact i post a whole lot of range of contents across my field(Music & Entertainment), regular original Music, even DJ mixes, regular Music shows, regular creative graphics and it goes on.. my creativity!
It's Tuesday midnight in Melbourne, Victoria Australia and a cool Monday afternoon in London i guess, and i am hanging out live playing my new beats on Twitch. I've been consistently churning out new music since the beginning of this year 2020.
Even DJ mixes too and Music concerts, however my music concerts have been cancelled and re-programmed to be served strictly online due to the obvious Covid-19 pandemic(i've got to protect myself & others). Yesterday i had one online event though "Enjoy this from Home", and on Sunday or Saturday depending on where you living, you'll be able to experience another one "Enjoy this from Home II". Get your tickets here:
Although business have been affected, my shows have been cancelled and the whole globe has been on lock-down, i've been able to miraculously continue dishing out my creative contents because i had planned and strategised myself earlier against unforeseen or unavoidable or unimaginable circumstances like this. My current song is a very interesting song titled "Xes" and another new song is ready to drop on the 15th of May, 2020, so be on the look out for more contents from me. I had a dream i woke up a multi-millionaire in Australian Dollars, So when i woke up, i yawned & stretched my muscles, then i created & released more music content that could bring me such revenue. I hope this has served as a bit of inspiration today to anyone who likes reading positive things even when in reality everything is kinda looking not exactly bright and particularly more importantly i hope it provided updates to those who care to know about what i got going on. I also choose to highlight my Spotify profile, listen on there & follow me too, everywhere they sell my music!!
As i said earlier, i'm multi-tasking right now because if i wasn't, i probably would have never had the time to write this article. Producing music, hanging out live on Twitch(experience on here reminds me of Yahoo messenger from wayback), as i'm serving the Olu-Shegs Vibe and writing you this piece. Classic!!!