What is going on in Brazil? - COVID-19
Ludmilla Figueiredo
CEO and founder of Global Markets | Investor | Country Manager | 03 global awards by Kauffman Foundation | Speaker | Sourcing | BRAZIL | UAE | KSA | BELGIUM
Dear investor,
We could spend a long while talking about the how this COVID-19 pandemic is affecting Brazil, like any other country. These updates, though, affecting worldwide companies and countries, you already know. So instead, allow me to share with you a few initiatives that the Brazilian entities were able to put together, at an amazing speed, that could be interesting to you in order to provide the information you need, at this stage, to be well-informed and; most importantly, confident that once this outbreak gets normalized, we shall continue a conversation that was never left behind.
1) The Federal Trade & Investment Promotion Agency of Brazil, ApexBrasil, prepared a relevant document with everything you need to know about economic measures the Brazilian Federal Government is taking for corona virus crisis, which has been very proactive in identifying and establishing adequate measures for those who will be affected more intensely.
These measures are summarized in a document below, listed according to the date of announcement. Brazilian Economic Measures for COVID-19 Crisis
By now, you should have received it on your email either directly by me, due to our pre-existing relationship or if you opted-in our mailing list. Feel free to reach out in case you would like to receive this and other updates.
2) The Brazilian Company of Research and Industrial Innovation, EMBRAPII, a Social Organization by the Federal Public Power, which, since 2013, supports technological research institutions fostering the Brazilian industry innovation, is adapting its financing model to increase non-refundable resources to innovative Brazilian projects and technologies related to the treatment, diagnosis and monitoring of the corona virus outbreak. Link to the website.
3) The Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication of Brazil (MCTIC), put together, in a record time frame, a platform called Todos por Todos (meaning All for All). The aim of this campaign is to channel all granted products and services from national and international companies and organizations as well as governmental donations and other offers as an act of solidarity to the Brazilian population. To date, offers are related to entertainment, online education, cheaper and wider internet access, productivity tools and softwares to support work via home office (videoconferencing, cloud services, storage, etc), and more.
Besides all of the above, state-level agencies and the private sector are taking the lead of providing infrastructure and support in their respective areas and industries. As an example, private companies in online education joined efforts to create an e-learning platform for educational institutions and schools.
Many people already know it, however this is an interesting real-time infographic to follow the evolution of the outbreaks worldwide. It is important to never neglect the context we live in at the moment and always to know the risk factors as well as measures that are being taken.
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