What goes Wrong when You have a 100%

What goes Wrong when You have a 100%

Once the high clouds disappeared this morning, we had another absolutely gorgeous September day which I tried to enjoy as much as I could with it being the first working day after a holiday.

My morning was spent getting myself completely readied for my closing coming up tomorrow, along with responding to emails and returning phone calls. I did have two homes to show late this morning, and the first one was a definite "No", but the second one was even better than we expected, and so much so, my buyer decided to make an offer on it right after we left, so I had him follow me to my office so I could get it drafted for his signature. With him having missed out on a number of properties, it came as no surprise he was ready to jump on it. After I had his signed offer scanned and submitted, I sent a text to the agent asking for a confirmation of receipt.

After my buyer left, I grabbed my camera and drove out to get some photos taken on the new listing Brandon Neve just posted online. Since I have a better camera, I feel obliged to take them with mine, since we both believe it best present homes to the public with the best possible photos. I know many of the agents use their cell phones, but the quality isn't as good. Most don't know the difference, but I certainly do.

Once those photos were processed and submitted online, it was time for me to grab something to eat, so I headed over to a drive-thru and picked up a small burger. Now that they have Monroe Avenue partially opened, the traffic on Hwy 122 isn't nearly as bad as it's been. Now if they'd get those barriers removed from the corner of Federal and Hwy 122, we'll be back in shape with our flow of traffic.

When I got back, I discovered an email from the listing agent regarding the offer I submitted, and wouldn't you know, there was another offer that came in on it, and the agent asking for "highest and best" from the Realtors involved. Ugh! Oh how I hate multiple offers. I called the buyer and gave him his options, and after laying it all out for him, he upped his offer to his highest, so I re-submitted it and emailed the agent with the change of terms and conditions.

Just to keep myself from worrying about the outcome of that offer, I spent several hours tidying up my work area, along with adding a few more pictures to the near-blank walls of my office. They looked well enough to where I may be adding a few more to those walls. I do try keep such thing in balance with the interior design and colors of my office, and thus far, it all pretty much blends together.

My afternoon appointment was with my sellers of tomorrows closing, just so I could get all their signatures on the transfer docs, as they'll not be able to attend the closing. What was only supposed take about 15 minutes, ended up being close to an hour, and only because I truly enjoy their company. I'm very sad they're no longer going to be living in our City, but at least I'll be able to hold fast the memories of times shared with them. They truly need to be cloned and spread across North Iowa. I consider it an honor to have known them these many years, and for sure I'll be wishing them the absolute best...always.

Since I hadn't investigated much of our world news these past several days, I made sure to get caught up on it early this morning. Well, it looks like the Taliban is turning back to their old ways, and since I do remember the agreement our past president made, I knew at the time it was all a big lie. What's troubled me the most, is seeing a man who's wanted by the FBI, having been made Afghanistan's interior minister. As much as I don't want it to happen, I can already see that country being the exporter of ISIS militants, and if something terrible takes place like what happened on 9/11, we'll be right back to where we started. Let's hope there's enough resistance by level-headed Afghani's that there'll be good change created from within. That country is a classic example of what goes wrong when you have a 100% patriarchal mindset where woman are considered nothing more than slaves to their men. Aren't we supposed to be living in the 21st century?

While I was out showing properties today, I happened to notice one of the largest and beautifully formed black walnut trees I've seen in a very long time. I mentioned to the buyer that it's likely one of the largest in our City. When looking at its canopy, all I could think of, were the many hundreds of nuts it must be dropping every year. Yes, that was a big boy.

I took a quick peek at that small dish of peanut butter and boric acid today, and to my delight, the number of ants eating it is growing smaller. I know for a fact that it's killed hundreds of them already, so we'll see what these next few weeks will bring. You can't imagine how happy I am about ridding the exterior area of my office of them, and hopefully for good.

Late this afternoon I received an email from the listing agent telling me the offer from my buyer was accepted, so I hurriedly called to give him the good news. I knew it was going to be a close call, and thankful the seller decided to go with mine. I encouraged him to get to his bank right away and get started with the loan process now that he's got a home purchased. Any way I look at it, I still hate multiple offers because there's always someone unhappy. Oh well, these are the crazy real estate times in which we live.

Tonight's One-liner is: It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow thru.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2021/09/07/what-goes-wrong-when-you-have-a-100/


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