Over the years, I have developed a working model of what goes behind creating an amazing company. As I look to build my 3rd venture - ithinkyouare - the world's 'compliment' app - I thought this might be a good opportunity to publish these ideas
In case these strike a chord with you, or you think of someone with whom they will - the misfits, the rebels, the round pegs in square holes - I am also building the initial team of pirates for ithinkyouare - so do get in touch with me
Nature + Nurture
Part 2 of this series was about selecting the right kind of people. That's the 'nature' part of things. You choose people who are already a good fit with your values. Very important
But that's not where it ends. Psychologists have long known that humans (animals) are nature+nurture
Nature is what we inherently are
Nurture is what we pick from the environment
So pick 'good' nature, but supplement it with 'good' nurture, i.e. culture
In The Long Run, Culture is Everything (It Sets The Norms)
There's a saying - 'Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast'
I wouldn't agree with it entirely (in fact developing a good culture is a part of good strategy), but the idea behind it is spot-on
And humans are so instinctive at sensing norms in any new environment and (consciously/unconsciously) adapting to them, that this becomes a big lever that if managed well, delivers extraordinary returns
What Good Culture Looks Like
A lot of this list will look like the list from Part 2 of this series - on what to look for in people that you hire
But that's exactly the point - you look for some great things in people, and once you have them on board, you nurture the exact same great things
The combination produces magic
- High standards: Don't shy away from giving people high standards to stick to. They will rise to meet the challenge, especially if they see meaning in the final goal
- Independence: Give people goals, and then get out of the way
- Dependability: Create accountability. When someone promises something, they should stick to delivering it. This is critical to how a good team functions. People should be simply able to assume that you will stick to your word. This level of dependability creates the smoothest teams
- Clear communication: Again, on smooth teams, the necessary oil for a well-functioning team is people feeling that they owe communicating clearly to their team-mates, so that work and expectations are aligned
- Nice People Should Finish First: Basic niceness in people should be recognized, appreciated, and rewarded over virtually everything else (in the same vein, and extending from Part 2 of the series, don't hire someone who is really smart but a prick - it won't pay in the long run)
- Humility Should Be The Norm: You can easily judge the character of someone by how they treat their juniors. Do they listen with humility? Do they 'let the best idea win'? Do they try to learn from everyone? These people and these behaviors should be the baseline expectation
- Less Hype More Substance: Talk is cheap. What people should be finally evaluated on is their actual contribution
- Valuing Other People's Time: One of the most disrespectful things that you can do to people is to treat their time thoughtlessly. Time is the only limited commodity that humans have. Treating other team members' time with respect (including people junior to you) should be a given
- 'Family', Not Just Transactional-Work-Relationships: We work 8 hours a day - that's 1/3rd of our lives. To do it surrounded by people you don't like is not very smart. For maximizing your life's happiness, it's essential that the people you are surrounded with at work feel like family, a close-knit unit, a support system that you can count on, and mates with whom you share a common (meaningful) goal
Who Sets Culture
The leader to start with, and then the senior most folk. Remember it's top-down. Only great behavior at the top flows down, it's not the other way round
So, if you are a leader, the first thing to do to set culture, is to be culture
Gandhi's Ashrams
Examples often explain things best. One of the great examples of setting culture in recent history has been Gandhi's ashrams in the first half of the 20th century in India
Gandhi's ashrams became more than just places of residence. They were transformative spaces where individuals underwent profound personal growth and emerged as better human beings
They were embodiments of certain ideals and principles: truth-seeking, self-improvement, equality of all, respect of all, simplicity, service, and openness to dialogue and discussions. Everyone tried to follow his example, and for every new resident 'orientation' was automatic, because of what everyone around them was doing. The norm was set
The WhatsApp Example
Another example from more recent times, and directly concerning a company is the culture with which WhatsApp was built
WhatsApp founders haven't talked much about it (they have been busy building, instead of giving talks), but when they have, it's been a great source of inspiration for me
Here are some principles on which Whatsapp's culture was built:
- No hype, only substance: Till very late in Whatsapp's journey (they were serving hundreds of millions of users at this time) they didn't even have a board outside their office. You could have passed Whatsapp's office and not even known what incredible, world-changing things were happening inside. That's the thing often about world-changing people and teams, they are often busy building, so they have no time for the hoopla
- Focus: The founders were sharply focused and that flowed through to the rest of the company. They focussed on doing one great thing at a time, and did not get distracted by all the noise happening around them (ad-driven messaging apps, messaging apps with inbuilt games, and countless other 'trends'). They wanted to always build the infrastructure/utility for personal messaging for the world. And that's what they did
- Independent thinking: Flowing from the previous points, a lot of decisions that Whatsapp took as a company went against all kinds of industry consensus. That didn't matter because they had (well thought through) conviction in their own rationale. For instance, WhatsApp's used what was considered a very niche, non-mainstream language called Erlang as the primary language for its server-side code. Erlang is a functional programming language originally developed by Ericsson in the 1980s for use in telecommunication systems. None of the modern tech companies were using it, but it was perfectly suited to Whatsapp's purpose - it was designed to support massive concurrency, build distributed systems, and be fault-tolerant. It was actually an exceptionally intelligence choice to build a messaging system over. When WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook in 2014 for $19 billion, it had over 600 million users, and remarkably, it was supporting this massive user base with a relatively small server infrastructure and engineering team. A lot of this efficiency and scalability can be attributed to their choice of Erlang
- User's Interests First: Like virtually all great companies, the Founders at Whatsapp (and so the entire organization) were always primed to put user's interests first. Their no-ads-policy, support for end-to-end encryption to protect user's privacy, and their (consistent) decision to invest in doing their main job better (support seamlessly a billion+ users using their text, voice, and video messaging), instead of getting distracted by the fad of the day - has made them the lone giant among messaging apps in the world today
The Outcome: Better Human Beings, Not Just Better Business
The primary outcome of every great culture, is great people. And of course, great people build great things, but that's the secondary outcome
And as I mentioned in Part 2 of this series, sometimes you might not get the secondary outcome because of factors not under your control. But if you have built a great culture, you will have produced great people, who will go on to do other great things in their life
And great culture is very much under our control
It requires thoughtfulness and regular work, but the results are more than worth it!