What goes around comes back around
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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"What goes around comes back around" It is a proverb the consequences of one's actions will have to be dealt with eventually. In other words, if one treats another badly they will eventually be treated in the same way. We are always taught to that others how we would like to be treated. But do we always carry this lesson around with us? Not always. A modern way of saying this would be something we call “karma”. Karma, regardless of whether you believe in it or not. It's no doubt that life brings about good & bad things to good & bad people.
A positive example of “ what goes around comes back around is shown in this short story : “Hari Ram was a homeless man begging on the streets of Mumbai City and one day at a street corner he used to sit every day for begging he found a very expensive diamond engagement ring worth Rs.4 lakhs ( Rs. 0.4 million). His first idea was to go and sell it to some shop and get some money in return. But he decided to find out who the owner was and return the ring to the owner.
Therefore he started looking for people who came there looking for a lost ring and finally he found a young man of twenty five years sadly going round the footpath looking for something. This beggar Hari Ram asked the young man what he was looking for and when he knew that this was the real owner of the ring, Hari Ram took it out from his pocket and handed over the ring to the rightful owner. The owner of the ring was so delighted that he finally found his engagement diamond ring that his would be bride had presented to him, so he opened his wallet and started counting money to be handed over to the beggar. He took out bundles of hundred rupee notes without counting and gave it to Hari Ram.
He however refused to take anything saying that "Saheb, it was your own ring and I just happen to find it here and gave it back to you, therefore there is no bakshish you need to give me" Hearing his kind words the owner seemed highly surprised and he said " I have never seen an honest man like you who would have easily sold it off to some merchant and got good amount of money but you decided to wait for me to come here after one full day and you have given it back to me therefore you deserve to take his reward for your honesty"
Hari Ram folded his hands and said that he had lost his job due to bad stroke of luck and he would rather do some small business to earn his own living rather than begging on the roads. Therefore, the owner of the ring went across the flower shop and bought flowers worth Rs.5,000/- and gave it to Hari Ram. " here are these flowers you could sell and start earning money for yourself outside that temple rather than begging here". Hari Ram gratefully accepted the flowers basket and sat out side the temple across the street and started his business of selling flowers and that is how his karma of returning the ring gave him his breakthrough in life of doing his own business once again which he had lost earlier. This was a positive example of “ What goes around comes back around”
Is not always a negative way of thinking. It can be thought of in a way that you get out of life what you put in. Life isn't always good to good people & life isn't always bad to bad people. This is the Law of Karma. What is the Origin of the law of ‘Karma’ ‘Karman’ is the Sanskrit word for action. ‘Karma’ as a philosophical concept is an original Vedic thought (1500 BCE) which was later propagated and popularised by the teachings of Buddha and Mahavira (500 BCE).
What is Karma ? Buddha states that ‘Karma’ consists of our thoughts, words, actions and actions that others perform under our instructions. The Shatapatha Brahmana (700 BCE) explains the meaning of the Karma. While our bodies may die, the soul is eternal and it continues its journey through many lifetimes. The soul creates a system of actions and reactions (Karma), throughout these lives, forming a cycle of rebirth. And the totality of our actions and their reactions in this and previous lives, determine our future. Thus — a man is born to the world he has made’.
What is the law of ‘Karma’ ? “You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is your deed (Karma). As your deed (Karma) is, so is your destiny”. This almost sums up the concept of ‘Karma’.
However, there is a different interpretation given by ‘Osho’. It does seem more practical when he states that the law of ‘Karma’ actually explains something that happens inside our being. According to ‘Osho’, through every living moment we are creating actions (Karma) and these actions can cause a grace to rise in us or a disgrace. This feeling of grace or disgrace is the spontaneous reaction of our actions. So, negative actions lead to suffering and positive actions beget happiness and joy. He further elaborates that nobody can avoid or cheat on Karma because that is simply not possible. And once you realise the inevitability of it you become a totally different person.
Therefore do good karma, -Be positive, have self respect, responsibility for one’s own actions and respect for others, all of us make mistakes, however, it is important to correct those mistakes, offer forgiveness, share knowledge, be compassionate, search for wisdom, spread love and harmony and follow your inherent nature and perform your duty without worrying for the results. Stay blessed ! #kishoreshintre
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4 年I totally agree!
Career Counsellor | Overseas Edu Consultant | Founder-Naughty Genius Play School & Day Care | Global Career Counsellor from UCLA
4 年So true.. we reap what we sow. Let’s sow happiness, trust and humanity to be in a beautiful world.
For our esteemed clients in IT sector, we are currently hiring extra ordinary talent: Java Spring Boot Microservices Developer, Pega CDH Decisioning Architect, Adobe Campaign Manager for Bangaluru /Chennai locations
4 年Thank you Dear friend Maria stay blessed