Yeshua taught “Except a grain of wheat falls into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die, it brings forth much fruit.” (Brit Chadashah: Yochanon 12:24). What is it that God is asking YOU to DIE TO at this point of your life, business, or career?

If YOU will DIE to that thing, or to those things, about which God is speaking TO YOU, you will see resurrection!

There is a place where I used to go and write for months at a time. It was a 200-acre farm, and one time I was there during harvest season. I helped take in the harvest, shoveling corn in the large corn cribs as it was brought in from the fields. There was an average of three ears of corn on every shock in the field. We counted the grains of corn on one ear. From one grain of corn, which was planted and DIED, a harvest of 1,800 grains came back.

One time at a retreat in the mountains I was delivering an exegesis of the passage in Romans 6:15-23, specifically on “Fruit unto Holiness.” I used the example above about the planting and death of seeds. After the session, a man came to me and said to me: “I grow cantaloupe (melons). Every seed I plant which dies produces six melons, and each melon has an average of 300 seeds. This gives me a return of 1,800 seeds.”

What is it that God is asking YOU to DIE TO at this point of your life, business, or career?

If YOU will DIE to that thing, or to those things, about which God is speaking TO YOU, you will see resurrection!

In the parable of the sower (Mark 4:1-9), Yeshua taught that the seed which is planted in good ground brings forth fruit some thirty fold, some sixty, and some a hundred. Note: “one hundredfold” equals “10,000 percent!" Jesus taught, “Except a grain of wheat falls into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die, it brings forth much fruit.” (John 12:24)

One time God told me to give my car away to a preacher. I did NOT want to do it; I had already given a car to a preacher and God had blessed me back. However, I kept feeling that God wanted me to give the car to the man of God. I thought of a way to obey, but which legally before God might keep me from having to give the car away! (How foolish! Can we trick God?)

I thought: “I will call the man about midnight (he lived in another county about 30 to 45 minutes away). I will ask him to come to my home right away, and tell him that I need to talk to him about something. If he doesn’t come, then I will NOT have to give my car away!”

When I called the man near midnight, he answered and said, “I will be right over.” He did NOT know what I wanted (or did NOT want) to tell him. I thought, “I better get on my knees and pray. I have about 30 minutes to get in the right frame of heart (or, attitude) whereby I can give this automobile away with a WILLING, cheerful, heart!” After about 28 minutes I came to the place where I could give the car away cheerfully. And I did so when he came a few minutes later.

Through the years I have given several automobiles away to preachers. So far, God has blessed me back with so many automobiles I have lost count. Some of them were the finest and most expensive cars made in the USA. You can NEVER outgive God!

I DIED to my cars and God brought resurrection!

What is God asking YOU to DIE TO? Is it that power play down at the office, is it your impatience or your ego, OR is it that interpersonal relationship at your synagogue or church? What is it about which the Lord is - or has been - dealing with you? Is it a person or thing? God will never deny you anything - or anyone - except to give you something else, or someone else, better!

I promise you on the authority of God’s Holy Word that if YOU will DIE to that situation about which God is dealing with you, God will bring forth resurrection life!

Pray NOW. Obey God, and yield to Him. Die to that situation, person, or thing, and then watch God bring resurrection life - increased productivity - and multiply it around the world!

I trust this teaching will help you.

Your friend, Prince Handley


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