What God said to us on Sunday about ...

What God said to us on Sunday about ...

In my humble opinion, there is one element about the three musketeers that will never be forgotten, and that one element is their motto, “All for one and one for all”.

Many use that phrase, but I am not sure that many understand that phrase! "All for one and one for all,” means that each member of the group is willing to live, fight and die for each member of the group. Could I be talking about unity? Well, yes I could be because I am. That is how a great church operates, “All for one and one for all”. Jesus talks all about it in Mark 3:24-25, “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” Jesus is simply saying that division … in any endeavor … leads to disaster.

I would say that division … in any church … leads to dysfunction! Aren’t you glad that we are unified? Seriously! Isn’t it a great thing to be a part of the team that God has brought together here at Calvary Church of the Nazarene? There is nothing like it!

Truth be told, our greatest challenge is not to become unified. Truth be told, our greatest challenge is not learning how to work and play well together as a team. Our greatest challenge is to not let anything or anyone ruin that atmosphere.

In the foyer, in the front seat of the car and in the front parking lot, all of us must be willing and able to treat what God is doing here like it is a gold bar.


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