What is GitHub and How To Use It
Ashish Jain
AVP - Product Management | Digital Transformation, Gen AI and Consulting | Azure | Salesforce | AEM | Agile, Scrum | PMP? | CSM? | Ex- Infosys, EY, IIM Lucknow
You have definitely heard about GitHub and it's awesome uses. Want to know more? Firstly, you need to know that what is GitHub?
GitHub is basically a website and repository hosting service. In GitHub, A Git is free source code management system, more specifically a distributed version control system. It is invented by named Linus Torvalds. He also created Linux operating system.
GitHub is a very useful platform for developers. With the help of GitHub, You can create & edit files, see changes in code which are made by other users, view previous versions of files. Your files are always available to access from anywhere.
Must Know GitHub terms
Version Control System: A developer write a code and make frequent changes to rectify the mistakes to build a software application. The Version Control System stores code modifications into a central storage place or repository. GitHub also allows developers to make their files public to share with other developers so they can contribute by modifying the codes.
Command Line or Terminal: It is the computer program that we use to execute Git commands.
Repository: A repository also 'repo' is a location where all the files are stored. With the help of repository, multiple users can work on the same project concurrently without conflicting with each other. The repository makes collaborative work easier. You can choose repository types like public or private repository.
You need to provide
Repository Name
You can choose a type of repository from public and private
Public repositories are visible to any user on GitHub which give an advantage of the collaborative work.
Private repositories require a little more setup. They're only available to you, the repository owner, as well as any collaborators you choose to share with. Private repositories are only available for paid accounts. For more information, see "What plan should I choose?
Forking: You can copy from public repositories and copying other user's repository into your account is called forking.
How To Use GitHub?
First of all, Create a GitHub account and sign in. Download the GitHub setup according to your current operating system. Follow the instructions. Now you need to create a repository to link it with git. GitHub works with the power of a software application called 'Git'. Git keeps a record of all the modifications that you made to project files into a folder.
Here are some most useful GitHub commands that you can use in git
git commit: It is the most important command that you run to take a “snapshot” of the repository.
git rebase: this command is used to apply changes from one branch onto another
git bisect: You can find and remove unuseful commits using git bisect command.
git init: You can create a new local repository using this command.
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