What is GIS Modernization?
Hello Everyone,
GIS in Local Government has changed significantly and continues to change daily. This week I am going to focus on what GIS modernization means to me and what we try to see in most of our Local Government customers. I am going to try my best to break it down into the most simplistic form. (**not a deep dive**)
Here are a few Typical Patterns:
You use ArcMap, and you store your data in SHP and or a GDB on a shareable drive... You have ArcGIS Server deployed and serve up an outdated map or some layers to other applications... You have ArcReader deployed in multiple locations across your organization and you have to update everyone regularly... Or you have users using ArcMap that don't need it and frequently press the wrong button and this causes issues... Plus because they are using ArcMap you have to manually update their version periodically and deal with the license manager... You still are constantly printing maps and are whom people come to when they "want a map"...
This is not everything, but in a nutshell, this is the old way of doing GIS...
WebGIS or the concept of it is where modernization happens in my opinion. If you adopt a way to web GIS either ArcGIS Online or Portal it opens up all the roads.
(**Some organizations use both and it can be a good approach**)
Trying your best to get to a services-based architecture where it makes sense and get away from data silos.
When you modernize it includes migration to ArcGIS Pro, I know, I know this is tuff because it's hard to retrain your brain, and you're too busy updating ArcReader. But look at the bigger picture. Modernizing to ArcGIS Pro opens up direct communication to ArcGIS Online and Portal as data repositories. Having your data in ArcGIS Online or Portal connects your data sets to Web Maps (Replacement for ArcReader) and also Field Maps (Instead or Printed Maps) and to Hub Sites, and Apps, (Engagement with other people). You can now start creating workflows where an update once workflow feeds all the apps, maps, and sites that contain your data all instantly at the same time. When your person in the field updates an attribute on a fire hydrant, the dashboard you gave the Fire Chief Updates instantly giving them immediate information anytime they need it. (just a random example) The best part is that all that happens without you updating an ArcReader or Printing a map... (Do you see where I'm going with this?) Replication of SHP files or GDB's and or printing maps gives you a snapshot of data at a specific time it doesn't give you real-world actionable information.
Keep in mind... There are a lot of things not mentioned in this post that you must consider. What's best for my organization? Can we support an on-premise enterprise deployment? Do we want the benefits of a full enterprise deployment but want it in the AWS cloud? Can we achieve all we want to do with just ArcGIS Online? There is no real easy button per se. Esri gives you the tools and supplies to build your GIS house however you see fit. It's not just a one size make it fit your organization's product.
If you are still in any of those old workflows start thinking about modernization. Someone has to take control and guide your city or county towards and through modernization. It won't just happen on its own. You as a Geospatial Professional have to show them what they didn't know was possible.
I know that unfortunately that some people are version locked because of legacy workflows and or systems. Custom apps sometimes keep you tied down as well. I also know some hurdles to this are not mentioned here. However, that is what your Account Team and Solution Engineer are here for... Reach out and let us know what you face and we will help you...
There are many, many, more reasons why modernization is key to local government But I hope this gives you food for thought...
Ultimately like so many of my newsletters state IUTU (It's Up To US). We have to be the people that make a plan and take action. Finding what works and addressing what is holding us back. The tools are there, we just have to put them to work in a way that helps everyone in our organizations become more efficient and make data-driven decisions.
Until Next Time...
Keep up the good work...
P.S. If there are any topics you want me to cover in upcoming Newsletters feel free to contact me... Additionally, if you have any questions about anything I have covered feel free to contact me as well...
Principal Wetland Specialist, CEO at CK Wetland Services, Inc.
3 年Nice read and thanks for sharing.