What if a girl describes...

I wasn't even about to fall when I fall for his charcoal eyes. Those are not just an organ of vision but a visual representation of? "No one can hate this". His eyelid blinks and get a chance to colloid with that cognac and kisses his pupil which hide itself when he blush. His lashes are not just prevent his eyes from anything foreign but also a vision from girls like me. Every time his lashes go up and down my soul goes from Earth to Moon. His crazy lips shines when the bright golden rays slips on it. His tightened cheeks made his jawline looks crazy hot. No woman escapes from that slippery slope. So I am. fallen in his jawline and couldn't wakeup and I don't wanted to. Perhaps it looked like home to me. The intersecting point of his both jaws aka chin was the place my lips urges to plant smoothy kisses. He was tailor made for me that is why my kisses are available here and his chin pit is available there. When he scratches his nostril his masculinity flexes to cuteness. His facial muscles stretches and contracts over every little reaction he makes. While doing so not only his muscles are the one stretches rather my heart too. Oh my god his hair it's waving in the breeze which knocks him down. That screen play couldn't beat any romantic intro of heroes. I think nature is genius in screening cause the way his hair traps his face and he ducked to brushes his snarled coif was hotter than a coffee I had this morning.

His body fit right in his white collared shirt with which he tucked in and sleeves were folded to three forth to him. His bare skin was only visible in his hands other than that everything was covered up. His chocolate skin with protruding veins along with the silver bracelet made me helpless and made me unable to blink as his move stopped my brain from braining. His black belt around his waist curled up like a parasite swirled over a strong stem. His legs shows his day at gym. I was unlucky to see his bare foot which deserves only flowers to walk. When he correct his sleeve folds, his extremities with ring made me to think How safe I would be, if he holds my hand??. Also his finger deserves a ring from me. Haha I know that was too early to dream it but I couldn't help. He should be sculptured with a sharp and tailor made tools for him as his every details was visible to my eyes to describe it on paper.? His every cut and curve was perfectly finished. His mirror should probably in Love with him. His specs' frame colour matches down right with his skin tone. His gaze towards me felt like a sun shine which meets a village after a great disaster which was the sign of good deed.?

I wanted to feel how it would be as his forever. His gentleness erase away all negativities. His kindness always brings smile to me. He is not like other guys who run behind girls and take up all opportunities they have with the girls. He is different who don't chase girls, who doesn't treat them wrong, who understands other feelings, who respects them. Every I come across in my life is nothing compared to him. I don't like judging or comparing people but to elaborate his beautiness it's mandatory to talk about how perfect he is to me. I promised myself to keep him safe. I promised myself to hold his hands at his good, bad, low, high, happy, sad and sick times. I promised myself to worship him.? I promised myself to? cherish his life with everything I have. I promised myself to be loyal to him with all my cells and thoughts. God his thoughts literally encircled with my DNA. I believe the changes I came across after I met him was real and making me more realist of my version. I want myself to be in his life to build an emperor where he's my king and I wish to be his little princess.? ??

Does he feel the same way I feel??


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