Diversity, a topic and challenge for organizations for many years, is receiving renewed attention. Our country is going through tremendous upheaval, with diversity being a central element of the discourse.
Having led diversity efforts within organizations in my career and more recently, advised CEOs on how to make tangible improvements within their businesses, I have had a number of inquiries from business leaders now that the topic is on the front page once again. Consequently, I've outlined here what is required to truly move the needle on diversity within a business.
A sincere and committed CEO and Board
I cringe when I see a company appoint a Diversity Officer. The CEO is the diversity officer. Diversity is about a culture shift, not numbers. Too many organizations approach diversity by "trying harder" to recruit more minorities. This never works. It's not about numbers, it's about culture. It's the difference between systemic change (long-lasting) versus programmatic change (short-lived). Only the CEO, with real Board support, can make it happen.
Re-Tool Recruiting and Talent Management
Toss out the existing recruiting model and performance management model. Re-think sources for recruiting and talent pools. Partner with external organizations who have developed good tools and process to locate diverse talent. Teach managers to re-think how they write job descriptions and requisitions. Break the mold. Scrap your employee referral program. It perpetuates sameness.
Managers - The Enemy Within
If hiring managers resist, remove them. If a CEO is serious about making a difference, managers who do not step up and become part of the solution, must depart. Otherwise, it's window dressing and a PR stunt on the part of the CEO. When a CEO makes a public statement about doing better with diversity, I expect to see front line managers leave the organization. I have never seen material gains with diversity without some amount of manager change. Status Quo will not move the diversity needle. Replace managers who have a track record of non-inclusive behavior. All the diversity training on the planet won't help.
Make it a Metric
Substantive change is underpinned by metrics. Measure diversity as you would sales and operational efficiency. Keep it visible. It's on the senior team agenda every week. Too often, diversity gets departmentalized in the bowels of the business. Not good. Put the diversity metric in every senior leader's bonus plan. Trust me, that will make a difference.
Systemic change is lasting change. Companies that have embraced what is required to build a diverse organization are reaping the benefits of a healthy, vibrant enterprise. Avoid the programs - make it cultural.