What is a Generon?
Neurogenesis :- Generating neurons with Generons

What is a Generon?

A Generon is a tool for Neurogenesis. Meaning it generates neurons and generates connections between existing neurons. A generon might be very simple or extremely complex.

Consider a very simple one,

A shopkeeper has to mix two qualities of rice that cost 47 rupees a kilo and 65 rupees a kilo, sell it at 65 rupees and make a profit of 13 percent. He should have the intelligence and logic required to calculate it and obtain results. This problem would have an explanation in aptitude books, trainers use various ways to help students clear the question and move on. Creating a generon for this opens up a completely new set of possibilities. The intelligence needed to generate a detailed solution for all the following possibilities is contained in the logic of the generon.

  1. Calculate the exact ratio of mixing for any quantities at any prices, whatever be the profit required. When numbers change and student is unable to get the right answer a month later, then he thinks he must learn better. With generons he is asked to change values again and again and mark the correct answer. so he learns. If he enters the question from exam, Generon gives detailed steps for the changed question.
  2. Fun starts here, If the question is wrong the generon will alert that by telling it is wrong and why it is wrong. So the student knows, it wasn't him but the changed question couldn't be solved and why. Probably impossible mixing or impossible profit could be involved. Generon takes care of explaining all that.
  3. Even more fun it is when he attends a test and returns home. instantly creates the answer key using generons and knows how much he scored.
  4. If the student got an answer wrong but does not know where he went wrong with the calculation, he instantly realizes by looking at the solution generon gives.
  5. Here its crazy! generons work within the students brain too… Yes, you read that right! When a concept is introduced, a small mesh of neurons responsible for the temporary buffer memory of the human brain are activated. When he makes it clearer with iterations, it strengths and molds the network to remember the correct logic. When thinking another set of neurons are working to connect with the newly created ones, to verify logical coherence. If all that is sound, this network is considered as an important one to be remembered by another set of neurons. That night while he sleeps the mesh created strengthens and becomes a part of his permanent memory, much stronger and will further be used to validate knew information. This exactly what we help the student achieve.
  6. God’s help! Yup, yup.. When a person is in deep rest or even better if meditating, around the strong meshes of neurons creates the universal supreme intelligence pours nourishment. This nourishment will make it possible for new connections in the brain and when he he thinks of this question next time, some new connections are suggested, which he considers a possibility. Then he verifies the possibility, calls it a shortcut. He says he created a shortcut.
  7. Thinking is just a voice within oneself talking and an ear listening to it. When the this communication happens repeatedly a pattern is created. With a pattern in the mind, he can quickly answer because he thinks in logic, a language just like thinking in any language makes you a better speaker in that language. He will stop using a pen. Wow! That’s level 4 in aptitude, answering without a pen or paper and that’s 4G. Now you know why we call this “Aptitude 4G”.


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