What is Generative AI ?

We can define generative AI as having a super-intelligent human

Why can we say that it has super intelligence?

  • The reason is that it possesses knowledge and capabilities. It has an enormous amount of information from millions of books, millions of websites, and Wikipedia. Let me show you how it works using a simple example. I have a car. What is the most important thing we need to run it? we need an Engine to run the car in order to do that for this generative AI required LLM this is an expansion of the Large Language Model means that Large in the sense of it has millions of parameters and Language means that it tests how we are converting our query to model and model is nothing but whatever the output we are making that is called a model.
  • next, we required another thing for this I will give one example suppose if you have two same types of cars like one is petrol and one is a diesel version each version has different pickup and mileage and all that is different right in that manner but we can see both cars are in same model difference is only thing fuel.
  • so in this way, we can use LangChain for this genAI actually it is a framework designed to simply the creation application using LLM, and also it provides a high-level API.it also enables applications that are data aware and agentic. mainly used to build chat-based applications.
  • next, we can talk about how we have an engine then now what we have required to move a car? it has required steering and tires right in this way for this LLM and LangChain we have a required framework called Gradio tool which is an open-source Python library. helps create interactive UI for machine learning models in a quick and easy manner.
  • then You people have a doubt previously we discussed LLM, LangChain, and Gradio then where we should integrate?
  • for this we can use an amazing platform which is Google Collab cloud-based platform in this platform we can include LLM, LangChain, and Gradio.
  • there are many AI tools in Google like the text as image generated, text to audio, and text to video.

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